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そして、彼が実際に一緒に仕事をしたアーティストたちの話を聞いてみると、近年の内省的なアルビニは、以前の作品から想像されるような口汚い挑発者とそれほど対照的ではないかもしれないことに気が付く。そこから伝わってくるのは、自分の意見についてはぶっきらぼうで率直だが、バンドが望むものを達成するために自分の持つ専門知識を惜しみなく差し出して深い集中力でもって彼らを手助けするという人物像だ。1990年代にアルビニとアルバムを録音したバンドのメルトバナナによると、彼らは自分たちがレコーディングの主導権を握り始めた時の彼の寛大さを強調し、「3枚目を自分たちでレコーディングすると決めた時に、録音のアドバイスや必要な機材について尋ねると、たくさんのことを教えてくれた」と語った。ZENI GEVAの一員としてアルビニと仕事をした田畑満は、彼のことを「レコーディングについて知ることが、音楽の秘密に近づくことに繋がると気付かせてくれた人」と言い表した。
彼が私自身の音楽世界に与えた影響の大きさが、長いこと私のレーダーから影を潜めていたことの理由のひとつに、彼が手掛けた多くの作品での自分の役割を最小限に抑えようとしていたことがある。プロデューサーとしてよりも、エンジニアとしてクレジットされることを好み、多くで偽名を使っていたことでも知られている。彼の死を知った後で、自分の持っているレコードを確認すると、アルビニが録音した作品でのクレジットは、Ding Rollski (シルヴァーフィッシュの『Fat Axl』)、Some Fuckin’ Derd Niffer(スリントの『Tweez (トゥイーズ)』)、そして彼の猫のFluss (ガイデッド・バイ・ヴォイシズの『アンダー・ザ・ブッシズ・アンダー・ザ・スターズ』の数曲)などとなっていた。それでも、ピクシーズとブリーダーズのキム・ディールはインタヴューで、彼が認めたがるよりもはるかに、スタジオでの影響力は絶大だったと示唆している。
田畑 満
How Steve Albini secretly changed my world
By Ian F. Martin
Without me even noticing it was happening, Steve Albini changed my life. There was no single revelatory encounter with his work that drew a clear line in my life between before and after. Rather his was an influence that seeped into and fertilised the ground of the musical world I grew up in — a landscape I walked ignorantly around, before eventually gaining the perspective and consciousness to look back and see his hand in everything.
Part of this is generational. Born in 1962, Albini established himself in the music scene just as Generation X began coming of age in the 1980s, and his music and attitude embodied a lot of the characteristics that generation took to heart.
His work was confrontational, taking the way punk railed against boredom even further. In his own early music with Big Black and beyond, he wasn’t shy about making references to child abuse, rape and violence, language that stepped way beyond the boundaries of racism and homophobia. But nor was he shy in later years about reckoning with the ignorance and privilege that underscored a lot of his provocations. While he was careful to frame these reflections in his own personal terms, they were also an incisive breakdown of how carelessly naive a lot of transgressive or edgy 1980s/90s pop culture was about marginalised people’s real life experience, and how art that crossed those lines from a critical or ironic startpoint opened the door for others to say similar things with the genuine hate he came to see so widely around him in recent times.
In Albini’s case, his willingness to shock also went hand in hand with another of his defining characteristics: his disregard for the hypocritical niceties of the mainstream generally and the music industry in particular. As his career as a recording engineer took off with influential albums by the Pixies, The Breeders, PJ Harvey and Nirvana, not to mention his work with Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, he could have made obscene amounts of money by playing the industry game, but his focus remained on independent artists.
And it’s when talking to the artists he actually worked with that the reflective Albini of recent years feels like less of a contrast with the foul-mouthed provocateur his earlier work might lead you to imagine. The picture that comes across is of a man who was blunt in his opinions but deeply focused on deploying his expertise to help bands to achieve what they want. Speaking to the band Melt-Banana, who recorded with Albini in the 1990s, they highlighted his generosity when they began to take control of their own recording, noting that, “When we decided to record our third album ourselves, he gave us a lot of advice and equipment we needed, and he gave us all sorts of information.” Mitsuru Tabata, who worked with Albini as part of the band Zeni Geva, described Albini as “the man who made me realise that getting to know about recording could help get me close to the secret of music.”
Part of why the extent of his impact on my own musical world stayed under my radar for so long was down to the way he minimised his role in so much of the music he worked on. He famously preferred to be credited as an engineer rather than a producer, and in many cases worked under assumed names. Looking through my records after learning of his death, I found Albini’s recording work credited variously to Ding Rollski (Silverfish’s “Fat Axl”), Some Fuckin’ Derd Niffer (“Tweez” by Slint) and his cat Fluss (a couple of tracks on Guided By Voices’ “Under The Bushes Under The Stars”). Still, in interviews, Kim Deal from the Pixies and The Breeders has suggested that he was a far more influential factor in the studio than he liked to admit.
There was almost certainly (and especially as time went on) something self-selecting in how bands already influenced by Big Black and Shellac recorded at his Electrical Audio studios because they wanted “the Steve Albini sound”, but there were nonetheless identifiable characteristics that recurred throughout his work. He preferred to work analogue (Tabata remarks that “He was also the fastest tape editor in the world — even faster than DAW users”) and created a spacious sound with most of the frills stripped away. His recordings show a preference for natural reverb on the drums that creates a sense of them being there in the room with you. Many of his recordings feature a distinct, crunchy bass sound and scratchy, abrasive guitar. Of course this is a reductive summary of a diverse array of work that was finetuned according to each individual artist’s goals, but it describes a sound that reverberated far beyond the body of Albini’s own work into that of the thousands of artists and engineers who were influenced by him. It’s a sound that rang through basement live shows across Tokyo when I was first finding my feet in the music scene here, and it coloured the work of a whole generation of underground bands I saw and worked with.
As someone who grew up in the musical world he helped build, it’s hard not to see the fading of a generation in the passing of Steve Albini. Not just the “edgelord shit” he came to regret, but also the whole anti-mainstream DIY ethos Albini supported so vigorously feels increasingly like a relic of a generation whose time has gone — at least in the form it took at that time. The often confrontational dichotomy between indie and mainstream, and the related accusation of selling out, carry far less weight nowadays as cultural battle lines shift elsewhere and the alternative ceases to be a financially viable space for musicians. Albini himself remarked on how much more difficult it had become for independent musicians to stay afloat compared to in the 90s. No matter how affordable he tried to make it, even an indie-friendly studio like Electrical Audio’s costs are beyond what most artists can hope to recoup.
So maybe this is a helpless cry to a world we’ve lost, but Steve Albini’s passing still highlights to me a lot of what the musical community needs. We need people who work tirelessly, using whatever success they gain in ways that help support those still trying to make their way; we need people who stick to their guns ethically when they know they’re right, even at times when the tide seems to be inexorably turning against them; we need people with the capacity to recognise past mistakes and chart a new direction when needed; we need people with the caustic intelligence to tell us when we’re doing it wrong.
There’s an insipid trope when a musician dies of imagining them in heaven, jamming with all the other dead greats — Jeff Beck on guitar with Charlie Watts on drums and Walter Becker on bass. A few Steve Albini fans have suggested that these angelic maestros now finally have someone up there to tell them they’re shit.
I didn’t know Steve Albini, but everyone in the Tokyo underground scene knows someone who did. As quoted above, I spoke to a couple of these people while writing this article, and felt I ought to post their full comments as well:
“Steve Albini was the man who made me realise that getting to know about recording could help get me close to the secret of music. He was also the fastest tape editor in the world — even faster than DAW users. I miss him. Thank you for creating music with me, Steve.” - Mitsuru Tabata
“I'm really saddened that Steve passed away. He recorded our first two records. We recorded the in his old home recording studio and had so much fun staying at his house. When we decided to record our third album ourselves, he gave us a lot of advice and equipment we needed, and he gave us all sorts of information. It was fantastic, too, to be able to perform with his band Shellac in the US, UK, France and Germany. What I remember most about him is seeing his back as he was working alone at the mixing board until late at night during the recording of our first album. While he worked, I just spent the whole time playing with his cat Fluss. He gave us a lot. Thank you, Steve.” - MELT-BANANA / Yako / Agata