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  17. People Like Us - Copia | ピープル・ライク・アス、ヴィッキー・ベネット
  18. 変わりゆくものを奏でる──21世紀のジャズ
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  20. JULY TREE ——映像監督でもあるラッパー、Ole/Takeru Shibuyaによる展覧会

Home >  Regulars >  音楽学のホットな異論 > [特別編] アメリカの政治:2024年に「善人」はいない


[特別編] アメリカの政治:2024年に「善人」はいない

[特別編] アメリカの政治:2024年に「善人」はいない

文:ジリアン・マーシャル   訳:野田努 Nov 16,2024 UP





 民主党は過去8年間、自分たちに反対する人びとの知性や人間性を侮辱してきたという不名誉な実績がある。ヒラリー・クリントンは、自分たちに投票しない人たちを「憐れむべき人びとの巣窟(the basket of deplorables)」と呼び、バイデンは先月、彼らを「ゴミ(garbage)」と呼んだ。私の友人でさえ「トランプに投票する人は悪だ」と宣言している。私が貧しい田舎の白人アメリカで育ち、そこで暮らす大多数の人たちは、ただ生活を営み、そっとしておいてほしいと願う善良で勤勉な人たちであることを知っているからかもしれないが、私は民主党が「蜂を捕まえるには酢よりも蜜を使った方がよい」(*)という古い諺を聞いたことがないのではないかと思わずにはいられない。

 「では、もし政府が医療を提供したら?  まあ、おそらく世界最悪の医療だろうね」
 オバマが 全国民向け医療制度を試みた際、健康保険に加入できない人には700ドル以上の罰金を科されることを考えると、私も同意せざるを得ないかもしれない。

 ふたつ目の出来事は、私が日本の音楽の博士号を取得するために在籍していたコーネル大学の大学院の仲間たちと、2016年の選挙後のパーティで過ごしたときのことだった。 大学院生たちは、トランプに投票した人たちは無学で愚かで、——そしてまたあの言葉が出てきたわけだが——、邪悪(evil)だ、などと不満を漏らしていた。



American Politics: There Are No Good Guys in 2024

Written by Jillian Marshall

If there’s one thing I wish Japanese people could know about Americans in 2024, it’s that most of us were not excited about the choices in this election.
On the one hand was the most reviled politician and public figure in recent memory. Yes, Donald J. Trump: the billionaire grifter who cemented his fame in America on a reality TV show called The Apprentice, where he screamed “you’re fired!” at contestants. Fast forward to 2024, and this poster child of late-stage capitalism somehow found his political base in working class America: the very people exploited by the system that rewarded him. And while that base was largely white and rural — perhaps the only group in our society it’s OK to make sweeping judgements about (uneducated, racist rubes, they are!) — this year’s election saw significant rightward movement in Latino and Black populations as well. Having won both the popular vote and the somewhat controversial electoral college, it’s undeniable that Trump’s populist messaging evidently spoke to the majority of American voters.
On the other hand was a candidate so unpopular during her 2020 presidential bid that she received zero votes in the Democratic primary: Kamala Harris, the first woman vice president in American history. But as a woman, I’m under no illusions that Biden’s explicitly tokenistic appointing of a Black, female vice president was any kind of “feminist victory”— nor did I believe for a second that Harris would serve women’s interests simply because she herself is one (Democrats have had the chance to codify pro-abortion legislation into our constitution since the Obama administration, which Obama himself dismissed as a “non-priority” during his first term). If anything, I’d believe that American society achieved true gender equality if a woman got elected by recognition for her good ideas and competency— neither of which Harris demonstrated. Infamously, she gave very few interviews during her blitzkrieg campaign — including one with news program 60 Minutes that was actually edited to redact her original, highly pro-Israel stance— and dismissed interviewers interested in her specific policies to “go to her website.”
Trump is a megalomaniacal blowhard who has spent most of the past decade vying for presidency. It shouldn’t be hard to outwit him, but banking on politics instead of policy to win over half of America is, evidently, not the winning strategy.
The reason why is twofold. First is the Democratic Party’s inability to be honest with the (American) public, and how this has alienated many of us— including people, like me, who identify as true leftists. Let me first clarify that the American Democratic Party is not truly “left”; it’s actually moderate-center or even slightly right on economic policies. At the same time, mainstream media in the US — overwhelmingly controlled by the Democratic Party — have claimed that any critiques about Biden or the party in general were nothing but conservative nonsense. Biden’s obvious cognitive impairment, the rampant inflation in the US (and elsewhere), increased crime, and illegal, inhumane border crossings were not only conspiracies, but right wing ones at that. And according to the average Democrat today, being right wing means you’re a Nazi.
To a certain extent, I’d say that there are many of us who censored our beliefs to avoid being branded as such— myself included. Because, even though my grocery bill has nearly doubled since 2020, the US is in two ridiculous new proxy wars (while actively funding a genocide) and, after twenty-two people got shot at my subway station in New York City in 2022, I was scared to ride the train for months, my concerns — according to America’s “reputable media” sources like the New York Times — must be because I’m a right wing white supremacist.
The second reason I think the Democratic Party failed to defeat Trump is because of its blatant hypocrisy. I am deeply uncomfortable with Donald Trump’s cabinet, his misogyny, his stance on climate, his conservative stacking of the Supreme Court, what happened on January 6th of 2021 — the list goes on. But the Democrats' hysterical claims that voting for them will somehow save America from fascism is suspicious when other candidates running on truly leftist tickets — notably Cornel West and RFK Jr (save for his stance on Israel) — weren’t even allowed a debate, much less a primary election. Harris herself wasn’t even elected as the Democratic candidate; she was essentially coronated only after Biden’s senility was no longer able to be hidden from the American public following a disastrous debate with Trump in June of this year. And while Trump is technically a convicted felon, that’s only because he was investigated. I can only imagine the illegal shenanigans in the Biden family, particularly since rumors about his son Hunter’s laptop (with its messages about family business deals with Ukraine and China) turned out to be real— though that story was heavily censored by American mainstream media.
This isn’t the first time the Democrats have sought to destroy anyone who threatens their power. It’s been obvious for years that the Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same corporatist coin; Bernie Sanders’ class-conscious campaign, for instance, was systematically destroyed by the Democrat-captured media in both 2016 and 2020. And in 2024, RFK Jr’s unconventional, but powerful campaign message of tackling the rampant corruption in American politics was similarly dismantled by the “left wing” media outlets claiming to preserve freedom of speech from the Nazis (i.e. anyone who doesn’t identify as a Democrat). Like Bernie’s campaign before him, RFK Jr’s platform was censored, reduced to nothing but an anti-vaxxer’s kooky ramblings, because he— like Bernie— threatened to actually bridge the divide in America through class politics instead of identity politics.
After all, a real leftist will tell you that class is the true intersection point of oppression. Trouncing out Beyonce or a twerking Megan Thee Stallion at a Kamala Harris rally does jack shit to make the cost of living more affordable, or end the war with Palestine.
Worth noting, too, is that RFK Jr reached out to the Democrats and the Republicans when his campaign was failing, seeking to bridge the political divide plaguing this country. The Democrats ignored him, while Trump ending up asking him to join his cabinet.
What’s more, Democrats have a nasty track record these past eight years of disparaging the intelligence and even humanity of whomever disagrees with them. Hillary Clinton called people who don’t vote for them “the basket of deplorables”; Biden called them “garbage” just last month. Even my own friends have declared on several occasions that “anyone who votes for Trump is evil.” Maybe it’s because I grew up in impoverished, rural white America and know for a fact that the majority of people there are decent, hardworking folks who just want to make a
living and be left alone, but I can’t help but think the Democrats never heard the old adage: “You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.”
I’ll never forget two moments, both of which informed my personal politics (I care about the environment, I care about eliminating America’s colonialist foreign presence overseas, and I won’t vote for anyone with a sexual assault allegation — which includes Joe Biden, as much as Democrats try to hide that fact). The first was in 2016, when I asked my now-deceased Grandpa why he was voting for Trump.
“I actually like Bernie,” he said. “But Trump has the momentum, and we need change down in Washington DC. And those Democrats think that they know what’s best for everyone, but they don’t. We need to keep the government small.”
“Why small, though?” I asked. “Don’t you want universal health care?”
“That’d be nice,” my Grandpa said. “But if you want something mailed on time, you have to use a service like FedEx instead of the United States Postal Service. If you go to a government website, it’s too slow to use. And if you call any government phone number, you’re on hold for hours.”
He’s right about that, I thought...
“So if the government offered health care? Well, it’d probably be the worst health care in the world.”
Given that Obama’s attempt at universal health care penalized people upwards of $700 if they couldn’t obtain health insurance otherwise, I might have to agree.
The second moment was during a post-2016 election party with my fellow graduate students at Cornell University, where I was finishing my PhD in Japanese music. Grad students there were sharing their grievances, like how everyone who voted for Trump is uneducated, stupid, and— here’s that word again — evil.
“Have any of you ever talked to anyone who voted for Trump?” I asked.
“Of course not!” they remarked, with something close to pride in their voices. “Why would we?”
“Well, if you did,” I said, “You’d know they’d think you’re all a bunch of elitist assholes.” And I left.
It was the worst party I ever went to, by the way.
So I, for one, see this as a time of hope: I hope that the Democrats keep taking a look in the mirror about why they lost. I hope the Republicans know they only won because the other candidate was so awful. And I hope the US can finally produce a viable third party — which is how I’ve voted for three presidential elections now — because the Democrats and the
Republicans are, as evidenced by the farce that was this year’s American presidential election, equally captured.
And I dare say most Americans would agree with me.


ジリアン・マーシャル/Jillian Marshallジリアン・マーシャル/Jillian Marshall
ジリアン・マーシャル博士は、現在ニューヨークを拠点に活動しているライター、教育者、ミュージシャン。初の著作『JAPANTHEM: Counter-Cultural Experiences, Cross-Cultural Remixes』 (Three Rooms Press: 2022)は、日本の伝統音楽、ポピュラー音楽、アンダーグラウンド音楽にたいする民族音楽的研究にもとづき、大学と公共圏を架橋している。博士号取得後にアカデミアを去ったが、その理由のひとつは、同僚たちからその半分もまともに受け取れないのに、彼らの二倍も努力するのに嫌気がさしたからである。https://wynndaquarius.net/