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Home >  Reviews >  Album Reviews > DJ Ramon Sucesso- Sexta dos Crias

DJ Ramon Sucesso

Baile FunkExperimentalMandelão

DJ Ramon Sucesso

Sexta dos Crias

Lugar Alto

緊那羅:Desi La (訳 : 野田努) Aug 20,2024 UP


 ラモンの動画のテイスト(味)は、緊急に冷やした夏のフルーツに似ている。ラモンは、ほとんど忘れられた一族の末裔だ。DJデッキのまわりで何気なく踊りながら、たまにミキサーのツマミに触れ、自分たちが魔法を生み出し、オーディエンスが天才を目撃していると錯覚させるようなUSBメモリ使いのDJたちとは一線を画しているのだ。いまや多くの場合、DJはAIプレイリスト・セレクターと何ら変わりなく、オリジナル・トラック制作者の手柄を横取りしている。それゆえ、DJのスペクタクルはテクニックや才能ではなく、いかにセクシーに見えるか、エキゾチックに見えるか、いかにイヴェントを楽しく見せるかにある。観客を魅了するDJソーダの魅惑的なポゴ 「ジャンプ 」を思い浮かべてほしい。


 よって、ブラジル行きの飛行機に乗れない私たちの多くが知りたいのは、芝居がかった動画ではなく、彼の長く録音されたミックスがいったいどんなものなのか、ということ。新たなスターダムを知るにはいいタイミングだろう、私はレーベル〈Lugar Alto〉から2023年末の11月にリリースされたリリースを手に入れた。
 最初に言っておく。ベースが鳴っていない。多くの人が彼のミキシング・スペクトラムの幅広い使い方に慣れているいま、ミックスは期待するほどドラスティックではない。私たちは皆、自分のステレオやiPhoneがそれを扱えることを知っている。『Sexta dos Crias』はふたつの長いミックスで構成されている。完全に楽しめるし、彼のユニークなスキルから期待されるべきものだ。しかし、他のダンス・レコードの中で完全に際立っているわけでもない……トラック2の途中までは。
 “Distorcendo a Realidade"では、急にテンションが上がり、彼の動画にあったダーティな雰囲気にへと変化する。ここまで来るのに時間がかかるのはどうかと思うが、だからといってそれまでの数分間が無駄というわけではない。いや、彼の計り知れない才能を判断するには、別のメディア、別の創作形態、圧縮の幅が必要なだけだ。『Sexta dos Crias』の2曲は、ほとんどのミックスがそうであってほしいようなペースで進んでいく。しかも彼はこれをリアルタイムでやっているわけだ! 私がDJプレイにこれほど興奮したのは、ジェフ・ミルズを見て以来のことだ。踊りたい、興奮もしたいし、絶頂に達するほど刺激されたい。DJが実際にデッキでパフォーマンスするのを見ることで、私の注意を惹きつけてほしい。世界中のDJがこのことに注目し、ベッドルームに戻って自分の能力をスパイスアップすることを願う。DJラモンは他の追随を許さない。


Ramon came on my radar like any genuine sensation should. Spontaneously and without warning. Randomly and like a two ton bomb to the waist. Videos viral in their pervasiveness across the web caught my attention while doom scrolling. Short and perfect for TikTok viral attention span, each video was simply shot in one non-descript inside location ( possibly his bedroom?) with Ramon in front of his personal decks massaging the controllers from the get go, conjuring a multi level on-the-fly mix of vocals and scattered beats. The call and response soundscape quickly coalesces, all doubt of resolution is killed, and the 404 error imagination is severely damaged by the camera shaking violently with each thunderous, throbbing bass beat.
Ramon, Brazilian, 21 years old born and raised in Palhada, Nova Iguaçu, an area close to Rio de Janeiro, knee deep in favela funk carioca flexing the sparks emanating from beat bolha, shows his
African heritage with each tremor that sizzles hot bacon as if on a metal pan.

The taste of a Ramon video is similar to summer fruit chilled for immediate effect. Ramon follows in a line almost forgotten among 2024 USB stick carrying DJs who casually dance around dj decks only once in a blue moon touching the knobs of their mixers to make the dancing public falsely believe they are creating magic and they, the audience , witnessing genius. Often times djs are no different than AI playlist selectors taking the credit for the original track maker’s creation.
Hence the spectacle of Djing isn’t on technique or talent now but how sexy you look or exotic or how fun you make the event seem.
Ramon, most likely unknowingly, is a disciple of the OG DJs who actually DJed, a innovation believer in a long line of Black people innovating electronic / dance music. Echoes of the many techniques mastered before in Jamaican sound system yah-man vibes and the golden age of early NYC rap are reflected in his young hands.

But he is also an apostle. Using the equipment to mash, smash, mix and vibrate out of Thanos existence something new. Ramon treats DJ equipment like an instrument rather than a track selecting machine. Ramon never stops moving and his mental acute attention to creating is black and white with absolute clarity. Each video online is short and mixing is left in the red for dance floor brain meltdown.

So that brings one to wonder what would a longer recorded mix without the video theatrics sound like since most of us can’t grab a flight to Brazil. Just in time to capitalize on his new stardom, we have been graced with this first release put out in November at the tail end of 2023 by label Lugar Alto. I will disappoint you first. The bass ain’t bass-ing. The mix isn’t as drastic as one would hope especially as many people are now used to his wide use of the mixing spectrum. We all know that our stereos and iPhones can handle it. “Sexta dos Crias” comprises only 2 long mixes. Entirely enjoyable and what we should expect from his unique skills. But it also doesn`t stand out entirely from other dance records..... UNTIL mid way through track 2
“Distorcendo a Realidade” which suddenly turns waaaay up and gets grimy dirty resembling his videos. Too bad we have to wait so long but that doesn’t mean the preceding minutes are a waste. No, just a different medium, a different form of creation and compression range to judge his immense talent. The 2 tracks of “Sexta dos Crias” move at a pace that I wish most mixes moved at. Mind you he does this in real time! I haven’t been so excited about DJ work since I saw Jeff Mills. I want to dance but I want to also be excited and stimulated to the point of climax. I want the DJ to earn my attention in watching him actually perform on the decks. I hope all DJs worldwide take note and go back to their bedrooms to spice up their abilities. DJ Ramon is unmatched.

緊那羅:Desi La