ele-king Powerd by DOMMUNE


  1. Terry Riley - In C & A Rainbow In Curved Air | テリー・ライリー
  2. Columns ♯9:いろんなメディアのいろんな年間ベストから見えるもの
  3. VINYLVERSEって何?〜アプリの楽しみ⽅をご紹介①〜
  4. interview with Shuya Okino & Joe Armon-Jones ジャズはいまも私たちを魅了する──沖野修也とジョー・アーモン・ジョーンズ、大いに語り合う
  5. Whatever The Weather ──ロレイン・ジェイムズのアンビエント・プロジェクト、ワットエヴァー・ザ・ウェザーの2枚目が登場
  6. Africa Express - Africa Express Presents...Terry Riley's In C Mali  | アフリカ・エクスプレス、デーモン・アルバーン
  7. Doechii - Alligator Bites Never Heal | ドゥーチー
  8. ele-king vol.34 特集:テリー・ライリーの“In C”、そしてミニマリズムの冒険
  9. Kafka’s Ibiki ──ジム・オルーク、石橋英子、山本達久から成るカフカ鼾、新作リリース記念ライヴが開催
  10. MORE DEEP DIGGING “そこにレコードがあるから”
  11. Columns Talking about Mark Fisher’s K-Punk いまマーク・フィッシャーを読むことの重要性 | ──日本語版『K-PUNK』完結記念座談会
  12. interview with Iglooghost 「カワイイ」を越えて荒れ地を目指す | ——若き才人、イグルーゴーストへのインタヴュー
  13. P-VINE ──スマートフォン向けアプリ「VINYLVERSE」と次世代レコード「PHYGITAL VINYL」をリリース
  14. Tyler, The Creator - Chromakopia | タイラー、ザ・クリエイター
  15. 三田 格
  16. Columns ♯7:雨降りだから(プリンスと)Pファンクでも勉強しよう
  17. FRUE presents Fred Frith Live 2025 ——巨匠フレッド・フリス、8年ぶりの来日
  18. Columns 12月のジャズ Jazz in December 2024
  19. Terry Riley ——今年の7月、清水寺で演奏された永遠の名作『In C』の60 周年ヴァージョンが作品としてリリース
  20. 変わりゆくものを奏でる──21世紀のジャズ

Home >  Interviews > interview with Autechre - 音楽とともにオーディエンスも進化する

interview with Autechre

interview with Autechre



取材:野田努+小林君    訳:原口美穂、片岡彩子   Aug 28,2018 UP

NTS Sessions



 PCとインターネットが普及したことで、ベッドルーム・エレクトロニック・ミュージックの飽和状態はさらに過密化している今日この頃、専制的な均質化への抵抗としてのオウテカはいまだ健在だ。物語を持たない音の粉砕機械は、『Chiastic Slide』(1997年)でいっきに加速し、方向性すらもたない音のうごめきと複雑なテクスチャー、音の微粒子は『Confield』(2001年)でさらにまたギアが入っている。なんのことかわらないって? そう、まさに。そのなんのことかわからないことをオウテカは追求しているのだからしょーがない。誰もが慣れ親しんでいないことを、しかし親しんでもらうという矛盾で彼らを言い直すこともできるだろう。反エリート主義であり、徹底した反ポピュリズム。以下の取材でも彼らはSpotifyを激しく罵っているが、あらかじめ定められた目的別に音楽が消費されていく様は、彼らからしたらジョージ・オーウェル的な悪夢でしかないだろう。
 そういう意味でオウテカは、いま現在も長いものに巻かれないでいるし、逆らっていると言える。10人聴いたら10人が違う感想文を書くであろう音楽。この現実のようにカオスな音楽。それは感じる音楽であり、体験する音楽だ。先頃リリースされた8枚組(アナログ盤では12枚組)『NTS Sessions』でも同じことが言えるかもしれない。4つのセクションからなるこの大作だが、ぼくが驚いたのは、彼らがこのおよそ16時間をひとつの作品として考えていることだった。まあ、型破りな彼ららしい考えとも言えるが。
 90年代後半において、オウテカがビョークやレディオヘッドに影響を与えた作品は、『LP5』(1998年)や「EP7」(1999年)の頃で、そしてこれら『Chiastic Slide』以降のオウテカのひとつの節目としてリリースされたのが「Peel Session」(1999年)と「Peel Session2」(2000年)だったことを思い出す。『Confield』(2001年)以降を第三期オウテカと言えるなら、『NTS Sessions』はそれから『Exai』(2013年)までのオウテカ、近年の彼らの節目となりうる作品と見ることができるだろう。そしてそれは次なる段階へのドラフト(草案)なのだ。



Sean:We see much better than everybody else. And.. But you can.. Mainly ears, you know, because you can hear what crowd are doing, what I think, you know... and...

Rob:You definitely get a feel for what it is. That’s more senses working part(?), but I think your initial feeling of the absolute darkness goes away all the time because people can see it by the end. People may get used it  

Sean:A little bit. Its very dark...

Rob: Liquid Room is good for black, box.


Sean:Yeah, we can change lots of things. It’s like the set in the Liquid Room, I had a sense that we were teasing the audience a lot, and it was.. we originally brought out the set so we could play either in clubs or a seated...In Europe, when we toured with the set, we played a lot in concert halls.


Sean:Yeah, so we made it so we can flex a little bit and play it in clubs, but for Liquid Room gig, because we felt like in Japan we can get away with more. And we thought it would be ok to play it in Liquid Room as a..., which is really a traditional, more of a club space, but to try and push the audience as far as we could. We left it until really close to the end before we gave them some tracks with beats. Even then, once we delivered that beat, we started to subvert it. We wanted to push the audience as far as we could. And, I think, it’s been a while since we’ve been to Tokyo, we have kind of evolved quite a bit since we were last here, and I guess it was our way of communicating very quickly.. a lot of changes to the audience.

Rob: Yeah.

ショーン:Subvert (サブヴァート)したかったんだ。ぼくにとって、リキッドルームはトラディショナルなクラブ・スペースというイメージがある。ジェフ・ミルズを連想させるようなね。ジェフは、彼独特の方向に(ディレクション)にオーディエンスをプッシュするアーティストだ。ぼくたちはぼくたちの、オウテカのディレクションに、オーディエンスを出来るだけ遠くにプッシュしたいんだ。彼らが普段リキッドルームで体験するものとは、まったく違うものを聴かせたかった。
Sean:We wanted to.. subvert.. I think traditional Liquid Room is a club space, I mean, for me, I‘m in UK, so I don’t see every Liquid Room. I would associate Liquid Room with Jeff Mills. And Jeff is an artist who pushes audience in his direction very particularly. I think we want to push the audience in Autechre direction, as far as we can. Not give them what they traditionally get in Liquid Room. Give them something really really different.

Rob:When we did the same set in Europe, like shows with more seated people, they tend to be quieter. Straight way. Tokyo crowd is always quiet, because they are really listening. So we knew the Liquid Room space would be the traditional club, but with Tokyo audience, so we could do both of our things.

Sean:In Europe, if you want people to be quiet, you have to sit them down.


Rob: They are restrain and they wait. Because they would hear it.

Sean:They were really quiet. There were some bass in the set, we were really trying to push it far down. Down in the dynamic range.


Sean:We wanted loud bass and wanted quiet bass. And at the moment I’m really into depth. So there are some bass that are really here, some bass kind of distant and very quiet. A lot of contrast at the moment.

Rob:But the resolution is the same at both ends of sky, you know? It’s quiet but not distant, as in, you just...but still perceivable.

Sean:There are a lot of modern music.. is all about...the way a lot of modern music is mixed is about having every sound as close to.. very up front, all same level, every sound is very audible. Everything is the same, almost. It’s almost like for five minutes every sound is dididididi. And I’m bored with it, to be honest. I’m interested in most cinematic depth, where not every element is obvious. Some things are really in the background, and you might not notice it, you know. I guess that’s just where I am. It’s less about making a consumer product, and more like artistic thing, I don’t know .. I don’t know if that sounds bad. That’s where I am.


Sean:I think audiences now are actually quite sophisticated. We have the Internet, everybody can know about lots of things, but a lot of artists are very safe. And they want to make very broad spectrum consumer products. Because, the flip side of internet is that everybody wants to fit in, everybody wants to reach some standard, so this is standardized music. And I feel, at the moment, audiences are sophisticated enough to understand - you look at this, say, why Twin Peaks, the new series of Twin Peaks, if anybody other than David Lynch had made that, the net would have rejected it, but because he has the reputation, it can make the (estate?) and the audience understood it, they actually responded in the way that, may be the networks, that wouldn’t have predicted it....

Rob:It’s a confident thing.

Sean:We have this thing where companies and artists and people are making music, and trying desperately...because there so much choice, consumers, everybody wants to make a perfect consumer product but actually the audience are very educated now because of internet, so you can do much more. And I guess, we kind of realized this now... this is why we do less interviews now and just do music and just put music out, because you don’t need to patronized the audience, at all anymore.

Rob: It is like artists are trying to fulfill their own self need for that... kind of..... they don’t have to. We are (lucky?) we are just two of us - we can perhaps… let’s do this and if it was just one person, there is no one to foil against. No one to reflect the same things and we do that a lot with our work.

ショーン:自信を持てないでいることはイージーだよ。さっきも言ったように多くの人(アーティストたち)がオーディエンスをひいき (patronize)している。それがどういうことかっていうと、ピッチフォークで良いスコアを取ることだったりするんだ。たぶんね。音楽をレート(採点)するアイディア自体が変だよ、五つ星、四つ星というように。音楽はケトルやトースターやラジオじゃない、機能品じゃないんだ。それにスコアをつけるなんて馬鹿げてる。
Sean:It’s easy to not be confident, with the audience and to think you need to... Like I say, a lot of people now patronize the audience, and what that going for is actually a good score on Pitchfolk, maybe. They are going for this, so...This whole idea of rating music with score and stars, like 5 stars and 4 stars, it’s kind of weird. Music isn’t a kettle, or toaster, or it’s not a radio .. it’s not functional in this way (?) and you don’t, you get out with a score is stupid.

Rob:It’s hard enough to even just talk about it. Let alone (?) what you’ve said into 5 star...

Sean:But it’s changing music, I can hear it’s changing music I think a lot about it - it’s a scare to push the audience.



Rob:I don’t believe we have ever played our old tracks (out of nostalgy).

Sean:Ok, so the artists I (grew), got along side, complain about this, who are middle aged now, like we are, and they have enjoyed early part of their lives more, so that ...(laugh). There is a lot of nostalgia around, basically.


Sean:Well, we are all bit like that. We all got old. But I think I am nostalgic to different things, electronic musicians.. I think they want to make sound from them. which is we must be perfect all the time.

Rob: This is it, this is it.

Sean:It’s becoming less so now.. everybody wants to fit in. We always wanted to not fit in.

Rob:Exactly, the idea is what we are nostalgic about now is that we are still doing it in a way. We are not nostalgic and presenting our old work. We are not really nostalgic in that sense, but what we would do is, still, not the....

ショーン:ぼくはときどき、音楽をたくさん買ってきて聴きまくることがあるんだけど、似たようなものが多いなと感じる。それがどんなものであれ。そして飽きてしまう。そして違うことがやりたくなる、自然とね。とくにこれらとは違うものを作ろう! と意気込んでいるわけじゃない。ただ、ああ、こういうものは、もうお腹がいっぱいって思うだけ。そして、スタジオに入ると全然違うものができあがってくる。ぼくたちは多かれ少なかれいつもこんな感じでやってきた。
Sean:I always kind of, if I listen to, if I buy a lot of music, which happens, sometimes I just buy a lot of music, they’d be kind of sameness, you know, similarity there, and usually I get bored of that. Whatever it is. And kind of wanna do something else. It’s just a natural thing. I don’t think, you know “I must make the opposite to this”, I just get… just (fatigue?) .. I just think “Ah I’ve had enough of that. But when I go into studio, something else comes out. That’s … kind of we have been always that way. 

ロブ:さっき君がオーディエンスとの距離のことを言っていたけど、それについて話してもいいかい? ぼくたちはフロアの端っこの方、DJたちがよくやる場所だよね、そこで十分ハッピーなんだ。ステージは人工的なバリアを作ってしまうメカニズムのようなもので、それを好むアーティストもいるけれど、ぼくたちはそうではないんだ。
Rob:Can I say .. you mentioned first the distance between the audience and us. I think we are often quite happy to be in the corner on the floor, like where a dj might be. So sometimes a stage is an artificial barrier-making-mechanism artists prefer. We are not really that way.

Sean:I really do believe that the audiences now are incredibly smart. They know way more. When we started out, the audiences was…you know, you had have to make small moves, you made small moves of originality back then. Whereas now you can do huge moves in the originality. You can make completely new things. But the audiences are still there with you. I think this is something you can work with. It’s like .. some of what Stockhausen said back in the day about audience would evolve, is true. Audiences have evolved. People now days know who Stockhausen is. When we started out, you’d meet may be three people who know Stockhausen. Not Stockhausen particularly.. I’m just using him as an example. I think, in general, I think audiences are far more educated and far more flexible. They are more exposed to more different things all the time.

Rob:There is something more about the dynamic range as well. I guess people can play really loud. It almost presents senses of barrier, between the artists and the people. When you bring things low, and with detail, it’s almost like you flow over that barrier as well as you.. We find now that we can communicate with intimacy with the audience, and which wasn’t possible.. 

Sean:It was possible but it was more difficult before. I think now you can bring the audience in and exposed them to stranger thing and they are more open to it. And yeah its kind of depth and dynamic range and intimacy, they all relate to each other.


Sean:Yeah I really think so, Internet has made everything available. You’d be surprised that you speak to the people through the internet, may be they are in their early 20’s, they know about loads of academic, strange music. I mean there was some before, but now it’s becoming like a thing that everybody knows..

Rob:You’d need a life experience to know about these things. We were lucky the older people we became friends with, would show us who coil was, would show us who early, pre-Kraftwerk artist … because were too young for experiencing it when it was alive. So I think some people can condense that now with Internet, as long as there are trusted report and trusted explanations, and interesting notes and verifications, or citations… that helps but..

Sean:It has two things .. on one end, you got this huge array of.. everything is available and artists are competing to be in the space.. it’s very difficult to get someone’s attention, because there are so many (?) now and so much music and everything is all there. But the other side of that is people are exposed to all these different things, and so they become more sophisticated, and more (?) and more open to new things.

Rob:One thing lead to another..

Sean:I am more interested in the positive aspect, which is the audience is sophisticated.

Rob:Yeah, I remember knowing Kraftwerk when I was really young, but It took an old friend.. It was an old friend that explained the finest earlier work.

Sean:It used to take time to discover too…


Sean:Ok, so, yeah, you do have these things where that it’s difficult and it’s very rare to find as a scene that’s developed in an isolation like Footwork. I think Footwork in a way, this, very Chicago reaction to the recapitalization of house music. A lot of the guys who are involved in the Footwork scene were making House, but now every European is making House, and they just got, “No no no, this is our game. We are doing this and make Footwork, which is almost inaccessible to white European audience, right? You get the similar thing out of Drill music in Chicago as well.

Rob:I think when it’s twined with dance scene, Americans and Europeans are the another sides of the coin - because… you can’t, they’re doing footwork dance, and in Europe, they’d be listening to it (embarrassed?) with backpack on going like this….

Sean:I mean I really like Footwork from the music part of the perspective, I think it’s very interesting ..

Rob: It’s just as nice but at the same time, it becomes exclusive to people to create it, because they create with the dancing, in the back of (car park?), on the street, young children, older people, you know, if you think of it all the ages dancing to Footwork. In England, or in Europe, there is a very narrow band of age listening to that (shit?)..

Sean:It’s also that, yeah, Footwork is one of those things where it’s musically very interesting and Europeans are going to response that because there is always.. almost a conversation between people in the UK and people in America. And it’s always like things like Footwork are more interesting to Europeans, because it’s otherwise unaccessible, so we…


Sean:It shouldn’t be accessible ..

Rob:You wouldn’t expect it to be accessible.

Sean:Same thing with House Music, when it came in the 80’s. The reason UK liked House Music so much in the 80’s was that there was nothing like that anywhere else in American culture. Predominantly in the 80’s American culture was Black Rap Music. And suddenly there was (?) which was coming from America but mainstream America didn’t seem to understand. Footwork is the modern House Music in a way - it’s the thing the mainstream America doesn’t understand. It’s kind of like a difference between somebody obviously selling you something, and you wanting to buy something, you know? For Europeans, for whatever reason, you want to pick and chose things that are like… kind of a.. it (?) you a sense of agency. It’s like… the reason Grunge music was popular and House music was popular - obscure American things are always more popular in UK than mainstream American things. UK does not buy mainstream American music apart of huge acts like Beyonce.

Rob:It’s like we want to retain our independent right to choose what we want…

Sean:I mean I don’t want to make this about race, because I don’t want it to be about race, but UK prefers Black American music to White American music. We always have, I don’t understand why. I think may be it’s just better music. When we first to went to America, and they said “What are your influences?” and we said “Electro. House Music”. This is in 1994. Most of the journalists, couldn’t understand.

Rob:They expected us be to into…

Sean:They just didn’t … to them that sort of music was rubbish. It wasn’t sophisticated enough to influence a band like Autechre, which they thought very intelligent and all that. It’s kind of like the same reason that Americans invented the term IDM. Because they didn’t want to admit, that the local black music was more sophisticated than mainstream American which was very white, at the time, music. But things change and Internet forced Hiphop into the mainstream in America now. So, try and adapt that. And Footwork, genres like Footwork, things like Juke and Drill are now becoming mainstream because of the acceptance in Europe rather than in America. Internet is speeding up the process.


Sean:In the 90’s that wasn’t really the case. But now, if the genre.. like yeah you can make those genres big in America now because Europeans like them. If Americans are on Internet, and if Americans see Europeans like it on the Internet, it’s this quick things now. And like I said, audiences are so sharp and sophisticated now, it’s different.




Autechre - PLUS Warp/ビート


Autechre- Sign Warp/ビート
