Home > Columns > 東京国際映画祭レポート- Tokyo International Film Festival Report
©2024 「雨の中の慾情」製作委員会
『アディオス・アミーゴ 』
『レイブンズ 』
© Vestapol, Ark Entertainment, Minded Factory, Katsize Films, The Y House Films
2025年3月28日よりTOHOシネマズ シャンテ、新宿武蔵野館、ユーロスペースほか全国ロードショー
伝記映画『イングランド・イズ・マイン モリッシー、はじまりの物語』に続き、マーク・ギルが制作したこの作品も、悩める芸術家の姿を描いているが、その内面には踏み込めていない。『レイブンズ』は、2時間という上映時間内に、芸術家のキャリアすべてを詰め込もうとするという、ありがちな罠にはまっている。特に、写真家・深瀬昌久のような複雑な人物を扱うとなると、その取り組みはさらに困難なものとなる。この映画は、深瀬役の浅野忠信と、深瀬の妻でありミューズでもあった洋子役の瀧内公美の安定した演技が支えとなり、映像も良く仕上がってはいるが、どこかありきたりな印象が残る。ギルの最も大胆な試みは、深瀬を突き動かした闇の衝動を具現化したことであり、それはホセ・ルイス・フェラーがヴォイスオーバーを務めた、人間サイズのカラスという形を成しているのだが、このカラスは、残念なことに漫画『DEATH NOTE』の死神に酷似している。(2025年3月劇場公開:https://www.ravens-movie.com/)
written by James Hadfield
This year’s Tokyo International Film Festival had the misfortune to wrap up on the same day Donald Trump declared victory in the US presidential election. In the face of an event that’s likely to have such dire consequences – for minorities, women’s rights, Ukraine, Palestine, global democracy and the state of the planet itself – Japan’s preeminent film festival felt awfully small.
Not that TIFF tends to be a major news event anyway; even its acronym ensures that it’s forever in the shadow of Toronto’s more high-profile festival, which takes place a month earlier. Only a handful of the non-Japanese films screened in competition each year go on to receive a theatrical release here; even winning the top Tokyo Grand Prix is no guarantee of finding a distributor.
That won’t be an issue for this year’s winner, Daihachi Yoshida’s “Teki Cometh,” which became the first Japanese film to take the festival’s top prize since 2005. Here are some brief notes on that, and a few of the other notable movies that screened this year.
Teki Cometh (敵)
Yoshida has never made a bad film, but this might be his finest hour. The director’s adaptation of a 1998 Yasutaka Tsutsui novel starts so gently, its later turn into surrealism comes as a shock. Kyozo Nagatsuka deservedly won the Best Actor award for his portrayal of a retired professor whose domestic harmony starts to unravel, first slowly and then spectacularly, in a final act that recalls Buñuel and even Darren Aronofsky’s “Mother!” Watching it for a second time, after getting the news about Trump’s electoral win, the film’s rumination on mortality and its depiction of a society awash with rumours of a mysterious “enemy” and hordes of refugees took on an even more ominous tone.
(Released theatrically on January 17, 2025: https://happinet-phantom.com/teki/)
Traffic (Reostat)
Europe’s east-west divide is laid bare in this anti-thriller by Teodora Ana Mihai, based on a 2012 heist in which a Romanian gang made off with a clutch of priceless artworks from a museum in Rotterdam. The first, and stronger, half of the movie is set in The Netherlands and focuses on the common-law wife of one of the thieves (Anamaria Vartolomei, who won the Best Actress prize). The film is merciless in its depiction of the second-class status afforded to migrants in the affluent West, though also attentive to the stark inequalities that exist in their native country – compared to which, the fate of a Picasso painting starts to look rather insignificant.
Lust in the Rain (雨の中の慾情)
Kinky, surreal manga from the Showa era should probably come with a health warning for contemporary filmmakers. Shinzo Katayama’s Taiwan-set drama, loosely adapted from several stories by Yoshiharu Tsuge, suffers some of the same problems as Macoto Tezka’s “Tezuka’s Barbara.” Superior tech specs and occasional bursts of dreamlike visual imagination can’t gloss over some retrograde sexual politics, while the film works so hard to undermine our sense of what (if anything) is real that none of it seems to matter any more. This sprawling, messy movie isn’t without its highlights, though, including a lavish set-piece depicting an Imperial Army killing spree – not something you see often in modern Japanese cinema.
(Released theatrically on November 29: https://www.culture-pub.jp/amenonakanoyokujo/)
Adios Amigo (Adiós al amigo)
This Colombian spaghetti western from Ivan D. Gaona goes hard on the throwback vibes (the faces are extremely close and extremely sweaty), but takes a circuitous route to an unexpected destination, where what’s at stake is whether or not people can move on from violence. It takes some liberal doses of all-natural psychedelics – dispensed by an Indigenous mystic named Jesus Christ – to get the film’s vengeful characters to a point where they might consider giving peace a chance. While the pacing is a little off, “Adios Amigo” ends strong, with a Mexican standoff in a parallel dimension, more Jodorowsky than Leone.
Mark Gill’s follow-up to Morrissey biopic “England is Mine” is another portrait of a tortured artist that doesn’t get past the surface. “Ravens” falls into the familiar trap of attempting to squeeze a whole career into a two-hour runtime, which is a particularly fraught undertaking when you’re dealing with a figure as problematic as photographer Masahisa Fukase. The film looks good, and is grounded in solid performances by Tadanobu Asano as Fukase and Kumi Takiuchi as his wife-slash-muse, Yoko, but it ends up feeling oddly generic. Gill’s boldest step is to give a literal manifestation to the dark impulses that drove Fukase, which take the form of a man-sized raven, voiced by Jose Luis Ferrer, who bears an unfortunate resemblance to the Shinigami from “Death Note.”
(Released theatrically in March 2025: https://www.ravens-movie.com/)
Black Ox (黒の牛)
Over a decade after his debut film, “Tale of Iya,” screened at TIFF, Tetsuichiro Tsuta returned with an even more impressive sophomore feature. “Black Ox” sets out to depict nothing less than the path to Zen enlightenment, through the story of a mountain man (Lee Kang-sheng) who comes spiritually adrift during Japan’s late-19th century modernisation. Shot partially on 70mm film, the monochrome imagery has a tactile quality to it, while the sound design pushes things to almost psychedelic heights. There are sequences that left me slack-jawed: it’s worth seeing on the biggest screen, and with the loudest speakers, possible.