ele-king Powerd by DOMMUNE


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Home >  Columns >  Politics > 音によるグラフィティ──高円寺の再開発反対デモから見えてきたもの




文:イアン・F・マーティン  訳:五井健太郎 Dec 24,2019 UP



*訳注1 現在進行形のこの問題については、文末のURLに読まれるサイト『吉田寮を守りたい』および、笠木丈による論考「共に居ることの曖昧な厚み──京都大学当局による吉田寮退去通告に抗して」(『HAPAX 11──闘争の言説』収録)を参照。https://yoshidaryozaiki.wixsite.com/website-9

*訳註2 DJの Mars 89 らの呼びかによって2019年10月29日におこなわれた路上レイヴ。「我々は自身の身体の存在を以て、この国を覆う現状に抵抗する」(ステートメントより)。以下のURLを参照。https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1335758 (編註:Mars89 は『ele-king vol.25』のインタヴューでその動機や背景について語ってくれています)

You hear us before you see us. A couple of hundred people, laughing, dancing, slowly making their way down Ome-kaido between Koenji and Asagaya on a chilly autumn afternoon, led by a couple of trucks, one hosting a series of bands – punk, reggae, funk, psychedelia, rock – and another carrying DJs blasting out celebratory anthems from ages past. The sound carries down the road ahead and behind, bleeding down sidestreets, heralding the passing of the small crowd of marching revellers. Shoppers and passers-by peer towards the advancing wall of sound, amused, curious. No one really knows what it’s for, but everyone knows we’re coming.

In Tokyo, sound plays a key role in defining and asserting ownership over particular spaces. The area around a busy station explodes with the sounds of a thousand adverts, jingles blasting from shop doorways and booming down from towering video displays. In this way, we know the territory belongs to commerce and capital. Step away from these commercial streets just a short few steps, though, and you may find yourself in a residential area – suddenly silent, domestic noises diligently suppressed within the thin walls of houses and apartments. Transgressions here are greeted with calls to the landlord or visits from the cops. No one likes a noisy neighbour. Music is typically confined to its own designated spots: dingy, carefully soundproofed boxes in the basements or upper floors of buildings. Where it is allowed out into public spaces, it does so either in the form of volume-suppressed street performances or as the servant of commerce, soundtracking adverts.

Politics is interesting because it is a sphere of Japanese life where sound transgresses its socially designated limits. The sound trucks that crawl around your neighbourhood, screaming out the names of politicians endlessly during election periods. The black vans blasting out patriotic military songs from the 1930s. The carnival of protesters dancing down the street in Koenji to the sound of “London Calling” by The Clash. All these people are using sound to disrupt the equilibrium of people’s daily lives and draw their attention to something else.

In the case of the Koenji marchers, we are protesting gentrification in the form of plans to extend a main road up through the north of the town, splitting the neighbourhood in two, and replacing small houses and bustling neighbourhood shops with generic condo complexes and real estate investment projects. That’s not all we’re doing, though. After all, a couple of hundred people marching around and making a noise aren’t going to make a bunch of developers, civil servants and politicians change their minds. The real fight against these proposals is going to happen in the courts and in Suginami City Office. There must be another reason why this march is happening and in this form.

Who is this protest march for? One way to answer this is to look at the music itself. A lot of the musicians and DJs are people involved in the local Koenji music scene, playing the music they always play, locked away in their little soundproofed boxes. The protest’s organisers, the Shiroto no Ran collective, are deeply embedded in the local community, and have strong links with the music scene. In this sense, the protest is for its own participants: a way of bringing us together and reminding us of what we stand for as a community.

It’s not just about the local area though. Also supporting the protest were activists who are engaged more broadly with environmental issues. A similar protest last year brought in speakers representing groups as diverse as the Yoshida Dormitory protests in Kyoto and pro-democracy activists from Hong Kong. The 2011 anti-nuclear protests, which kicked off in Koenji with a very similar musical format, also incorporated South Korean punk activists who were involved in anti-gentrification protests in Seoul’s Hongdae area. These kinds of protests, then, are also festivals for the meeting and sharing of ideas and common ground between those looking to build better communities everywhere.

Music in this protest is not functioning as a vehicle for a particular message in itself, but rather to simply do what it does best: to be a facilitator for a sense of community among participants. This is what music does all the time in those small, dark, soundproofed boxes all around Tokyo, locked away and hidden from the daily lives of people shopping, working and walking just a few metres away. A few dozen of us gather, joined by music, and reaffirm the links between us that make us a community of punks, indie kids, noiseniks or whatever. So the Koenji march is doing this, yes, but if we can come together as a community in a dingy soundproofed live venue, why do we need to take it out into the streets?

At the beginning of this article, I talked about how sound is a way of marking ownership over various public spaces, and how politics often behaves in ways that transgress or blur those established patterns of ownership in order to draw attention to one issue or another. Of course, that’s part of what we’re doing with this musical march – after all, the need for an external audience is inherent in the word “demonstration”. More than that, though, I think the use of music in this protest is where the issues of community consolidation and ownership of public space come together.

We are too comfortable in allowing the commercial sphere to dominate and assert its ownership over public space. The constant barrage of advertising coming at us from all angles in sound and vision functions as a deadening sort of propaganda that makes us too easily accept commerce and capital’s right to do whatever it wants with our cities and neighbourhoods. However, just as graffiti can function as a way of asserting citizens’ ownership over spaces that commerce thinks of as uniquely its territory, musical protests along the lines of the Koenji march (and similar recent events like the Shibuya/Omotesando protest rave a couple of weeks previously on October 2019) are a kind of sonic graffiti in which we can come out of our soundproofed underground boxes and say loudly that these streets are ours.


Ian F. MartinIan F. Martin
Author of Quit Your Band! Musical Notes from the Japanese Underground(邦題:バンドやめようぜ!). Born in the UK and now lives in Tokyo where he works as a writer and runs Call And Response Records (callandresponse.tictail.com).