ele-king Powerd by DOMMUNE


  1. Kendrick Lamar - GNX | ケンドリック・ラマー
  2. Columns 夢で逢えたら:デイヴィッド・リンチへの思い  | David Lynch
  3. FKA twigs - Eusexua | FKAツゥイッグス
  4. guide to DUB ──河村祐介(監修)『DUB入門』、京都遠征
  5. eat-girls - Area Silenzio | イート・ガールズ
  6. Columns ♯10:いや、だからそもそも「インディ・ロック」というものは
  7. Music for Black Pigeons ──〈ECM〉のジャズ・ギタリスト、ヤコブ・ブロを追ったドキュメンタリー映画『ミュージック・フォー・ブラック・ピジョン』が公開、高田みどりも出演
  8. Brian Eno & Peter Chilvers ──アプリ「Bloom」がスタジオ作品『Bloom: Living World』として生まれ変わる | ブライアン・イーノ、ピーター・チルヴァース
  9. Panda Bear ──パンダ・ベア、5年ぶりのニュー・アルバムが登場
  10. DREAMING IN THE NIGHTMARE 第1回 悪夢のような世界で夢を見つづけること、あるいはデイヴィッド・リンチの思い出
  11. Saint Etienne - The Night | セイント・エティエンヌ
  12. ele-king presents HIP HOP 2024-25
  13. Columns The TIMERS『35周年祝賀記念品』に寄せて
  14. パソコン音楽クラブ - Love Flutter
  15. Columns ♯9:いろんなメディアのいろんな年間ベストから見えるもの
  16. Lifted - Trellis | リフテッド
  17. デンシノオト
  18. Terry Riley - In C & A Rainbow In Curved Air | テリー・ライリー
  19. Lambrini Girls - Who Let the Dogs Out | ランブリーニ・ガールズ
  20. Teebs ──ティーブスの12年ぶり来日公演はオーディオ・ヴィジュアル・ライヴにフォーカスした内容に

Home >  News > Thundercat - ──サンダーキャット振替公演の日程が決定




Mar 24,2022 UP




ただし、コロナ禍でのイベント開催に係る規制、キャパシティ制限を踏まえて本公演の開催を実現するため、各日2回公演制(1st Show/2nd Show)への変更しなければならないことをご了承ください。安全面を最大限考慮しながら、皆様にお楽しみいただくための判断となりますので、何卒ご理解とご協力を宜しくお願い申し上げます。

2022/5/17 (TUE) OSAKA BIGCAT

2022/5/16 (月)THE GARDEN HALL
1st Show - OPEN 17:30 / START 18:15
2nd Show - OPEN 20:30 / START 21:15

2022/5/17 (火) BIGCAT
1st Show - OPEN 17:30 / START 18:15
2nd Show - OPEN 20:30 / START 21:15

2022/5/18 (水) 名古屋 CLUB QUATTRO
1st Show - OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00
2nd Show - OPEN 20:00 / START 20:45

大変お手数をお掛けしますが、既にチケットをご購入いただいた皆様には、必ず [1st Show] [2nd Show] [どちらでも良い] のいずれかご希望のご申請いただきます。本イベントを主催するビートインクが、お客様の情報を取得・集計し、追って確定したご来場回をメールにてお知らせいたします。なお、こちらの手続きは、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策ガイドラインに定められたお客様の情報登録も兼ねております。当日のスムーズな入場の為ご協力をお願い申し上げます。詳細は各プレイガイドからのご案内メールをご確認ください。






■ビートインク / Zaikoにてご購入のお客様:https://zaiko.io/contactus
■SMASH friends 会員のお客さま:http://eplus.jp/refund2/




New Schedule for the Postponed Performances
Notice of change in performance format

Following the relaxation of the entry restrictions recently announced by the Government, we are delighted to be able to finally announce the new schedule for The THUNDERCAT Japan tour. THUNDERCAT and his band are very big fans of Japan, and have agreed to undertake all necessary government requirements in order to make the shows happen. We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in bringing THUNDERCAT to Japan and once again apologize for any inconvenience government or industry guidelines may cause.

The shows will go ahead at the announced venues on new dates below, however in light of COVID-19 considerations, we must modify the format to comply with safety regulations including venue capacity limits. In order to accommodate these restrictions and ensure that no-one that has bought a ticket misses out, Thundercat has agreed to perform two complete shows on each day of the tour. We ask for your cooperation with this and trust that all understand it is necessary for the safety of public, staff and the artist.

The new schedule is as follows:

Tokyo performance
2022/5/16 (Monday) THE GARDEN HALL
1st Show: OPEN 17:30 / START 18:15
2nd Show: OPEN 20:30 / START 21:15

Osaka performance
2022/5/17 (Tuesday) BIGCAT
1st Show: OPEN 17:30 / START 18:15
2nd Show: OPEN 20:30 / START 21:15

Nagoya performance
2022/5/18 (Wednesday) Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO
1st Show: OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00
2nd Show: OPEN 20:00 / START 20:45

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but we would like to ask all those who have already purchased a ticket to follow the following preferred show selection procedures. Beatink, the organizer of these events, will collate the requests and notify you by e-mail of the result (either 1st show or 2nd show).

Following this procedure also serves as attendee recognition of the guidelines for measures against COVID-19. We will appreciate your cooperation in ensuring smooth admission on the day.

For further details, please check the guidance email from your respective ticket agency.

[Desired Show Application Validity Period]
23 March 2022 (Wednesday) - 3 April 2022 (Sunday)

All performances will take place under consideration of safety measures based on the guidelines for prevention of COVID-19, as determined by the national and local governments and relevant industry groups. Please be sure to check the “Guidelines for Countermeasures against New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases” and the precautions for purchasing tickets before making a decision regarding attendance.

For customers who cannot accommodate the new performance times, refunds will be made by your issuing agency under the following guidelines.

Refund period:
24 March 2020 (Thursday) - 11 April, 2022 (Mon)

Refund method:
Refunds will be provided from the ticket agency where you purchased your ticket.

* Please note that refunds are not possible outside the above period.
* Please note that refunds will not be provided at the venue on the day of the performance.
* Tickets with separated stubs are not eligible for a refund.
* Please note that we will not be able to reissue any lost tickets.

■ Customers purchasing via e+: http://eplus.jp/refund2/
■ Customers purchasing at Ticket Pia: http://t.pia.jp/guide/refund.jsp
■ Customers purchasing Lawson tickets: http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
■ Customers who purchased at Beatink/Zaiko: https://zaiko.io/contactus?cid=26&type=customer
*Please use the Zaiko inquiry form above to let us know that you would like a ticket refund.
■ SMASH friends member customers: http://eplus.jp/refund2/

Click here for details
If you have any questions, please contact Beatink: info@beatink.com