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Home >  Columns >  What’s the point of indie rock?- インディー・ロックの核心とは何か


 What’s the point of indie rock?

What’s the point of indie rock?


文:イアン・F・マーティン 訳:五井健太郎 Mar 02,2019 UP

 2018年におけるインディー・ロックのハイライトを振りかえってみるとそこには、1990年代の影が覆いかぶさっているのが、ありありと見てとれる。そこにはヨ・ラ・テンゴ、ザ・ブリーダーズ、ガイデッド・バイ・ヴォイシズ、クリスティン・ハーシュ、ロウ、ジェフ・トゥイーディー、そしてスティーヴン・マルクマスといった、いずれもその当時に高い評価を受けたアルバムをリリースしているバンドが登場してくるわけである。そうしたアーティストたちの多くは、ブライアン・イーノが「農夫たち farmers」と分類した者たちである。彼らは同じ土地の一角で何年も何年も仕事を続け、その土地を豊かで生産的なものに維持してはいる。だが彼らが新たな領域へ踏みこむことはけっして起こらない。インディー・ロック界には多くの農夫たちがいるが、カウボーイはごくわずかしかいないのである。















What's the point of indie rock?

text : Ian F. Martin

The year is 2019. Try to think of the most exciting, culturally relevant music happening in Japan or the rest of the world is right now and the chances are it's not an indie rock band you're thinking of. Hip hop, dance music, pop, and even idol music regularly throw new and unexpected ideas out into the world. Meanwhile, indie rock (and rock music more generally) has retreated from the conversation and now occupies a position similar to jazz, where experimentation is possible within its niche, but its influence beyond that is fragmentary, referenced and sampled with what is often a wistful air of nostalgia by more culturally relevant musical forms.

Looking back over the indie rock highlights of 2018, the shadow of the 1990s looms long, with Yo La Tengo, The Breeders, Guided By Voices, Kristin Hersh, Low, Jeff Tweedy and Stephen Malkmus all releasing well-regarded albums. Many of these artists are what what Brian Eno would categorise as “farmers”, working the same patch of land year after year, keeping it fertile and productive but never really raiding new territory. Indie rock has many farmers and very few cowboys.

That doesn't make these artists wrong or even nostalgic in a negative sense. Guided By Voices are openly nostalgic in how they hearken back to The Who, Cheap Trick and other classic rock of the past, but the way they operate is also disdainful of rock's tendency to turn itself into a monument. Rock, for GBV's ridiculously prolific man songwriter Robert Pollard, is a constantly moving thing, and his guiding ethos remains a radical one: that writing rock songs is easy and anyone can do it.

It's ironic too, perhaps, but nostalgia can also remind us of future visions that we dreamed of in the past. Several tracks on Yo La Tengo's “There's A Riot Going On” revisit the sleek, motorik futurism of krautrock, but they're haunted by an air of melancholy. What happened to the future that this music originally promised us? Fellow '90s refugee Geoff Barrow explores similar territory on Beak's “>>>”, an album that some might argue pushes so far into the territory of progressive or experimental rock and electronica that it can't really be considered indie rock anymore. This raises the important question that if indie rock is immediately recategorised as soon as it does something different, how can it ever hope to become more than it is now?

The best indie rock album of 2018, and possibly the best album of the year full stop, was Low's “Double Negative” – an album that takes a collection of beautiful songs and twists, contorts and tears them apart. It manages to be as subtle and understated as anything Low have done in their long career, while at the same time dazzling, thrilling, explosively fresh. It's so far from what we conventionally think of as “rock” that it's tempting to discount or reclassify it, but it's nevertheless a rock album at its core, and it's an exquisitely beautiful one.

To understand how indie rock can be relevant in 2019, it's worth taking some time to think about what indie rock is for to begin with. There are perhaps three things it can do to be of value.

The first is that it provides a space away from mainstream pop culture and its obsessive, bullying, top-down dictates to consume. Pop culture is exhausting: it's a machine that eats up, grins down and spits out the empty husks of all who enter its metal jaws. At its birth in the 1980s, indie rock picked up where punk left off by building an alternative (albeit imperfect and often troublesome in its own way) infrastructure, ethos and aesthetic.

Secondly, this world away from the mainstream needs to be an attractive alternative. It needs to show that things don't have to be the way they are in a way that feels relevant to people, and for that, music alone isn't always going to be enough.

Music is just as much about representation and identification as it about the actual sunds the musicians are making. The reason David Bowie, more than any other rock musician, remains relevant is in large part because of how he helped redefine masculinity in an age where gender norms were particularly conservative. With 2018 year-end critics' polls lauding gender-fluid electronic alien visitations like Sophie and Yves Tumor, it's clear that in many ways Bowie's legacy has outrun the rock genre.

When indie rock began to come of age in the 1980s, it did so by wedding the DIY ethos and contempory sense of place and time of punk to a nostalgic reappropriation of the music of the 1960s and '70s. The contrast of the kitchen-sink drabness of a band name like The Smiths with Morrissey's gladioli-waving camp and Johnny Marr's chiming guitar lines expressed a melancholy longing for beauty amid the grey housing estates and suburbs of 1980s Manchester. The Smiths meant such a lot because the music and image articulated both the lived reality and the romantic aspirations of people who had never felt recognised before.

In the West, rock is increasingly easily dismissed as merely the traditional cultural folk expression of white people, with indie rock taking the even more dubious role of folk expression of the white middle classes. The sea of white faces that populates indie music events like the UK's End of the Road festival makes it clear that the music doesn't speak to the diversity of an increasingly culturally and racially heterogeneous nation. Part of the problem is that people of colour – especially black artists – are often classified out of indie rock and into genres coded as “black music”. The music of LA-based singer-songwriter Moses Sumney is more often described as soul than indie rock, despite being informed by influences of both. There has been a backlash to rock's whiteness, with London's Decolonise festival seeking to reclaim the legacy of punk for nonwhite artists, and this may yet spill over into indie rock via bands like Trash Kit and Big Joanie.

The popularity of Japanese-American singer-songwriter Mitski, whose album “Be the Cowboy” topped many writers' 2018 polls, owes as much to her identity as it does to her talent as a musician. While there's nothing particularly radical about her well-crafted guitar rock, the fact that her music comes from the perspetive of a nonwhite, female artist combined with her skill at articulating herself in a fresh, funny and emotionally honest way makes her a powerful voice for audiences tired of the aggressively white, male world America seems to have become. While she is unafraid of dwelling on her own frailties, Mitski's lyrics also offer a worldview that is on some level empowering. Compared with the self-lacerating, 1990s Generation X panic attack of Kristin Hersh's excellent “Possible Dust Clouds”, Mitski offers a glimmer of hope and comfort that makes her world an appealing place to fans growing up in these more frightening times.

The critique of indie rock as being something fundamentally white and male is less straightforward when we look at music in an Asian nation like Japan. If Western audiences are coming to value inclusiveness and heterogeneity more, Japan could have a lot to offer the world. However, electronic and pop-adjacent acts are still driving the agenda, while Japanese indie rock is still in many ways tied to the apron strings of British and American music, its artists hung up on trying to imitate and match the aesthetics of their Western idols.

Probably the best Japanese indie rock album of 2018 was Luby Sparks' self-titled debut album – a beautiful and charming record that nonetheless sounds like it could have been made in the UK in 1995. The same is true of fellow travellers like the effervescent DYGL, who dropped the punkish “Bad Kicks” single last summer. These are both bands who bring something exotic and fresh to the music scene in Japan, but at the expense of offering the West little musically that it doesn't already have in spades. Drawing more from Japan's own powerful tradition of psychedelia and noise-rock, bands on the fringes of indie rock like Klan Aileen and Qujaku offer an alternative to the J-Pop mainstream more recognisably rooted in Japanese music culture, but bands like these remain as yet very much a niche within a niche.

One reason indie rock might struggle in Japan without an umbilical relationship with Western music could be related the third aspect of indie rock's value. If indie rock is to offer a space away from the mainstream, and if that place is to offer an attractive alternative to the way things are, it is by definition entering into what is, at least on some level, an antagonistic relationship with the mainstream. Needless to say, this is something few artists in Japan seem willing to do. What the likes of Luby Sparks and DYGL do is shrug at the J-Pop mainstream and look for comfort overseas, but what indie rock in Japan needs if it is to ever mean anything more than simply “rock music that's not popular enough to be on a major” is to become less polite, more intolerant, and let itself become a more explicit critique of the dominant domestic pop culture.

More broadly, despite what someone like Robert Pollard says, indie rock in Japan and elsewhere is no longer a particularly accessible form of music to make. People's lives don't have the free time to gather as a group to write and practice. People don't have the money to spend on rehearsals, recording and (in Japan) pay-to-play live shows. The most accessible music, and therefore the kind that absorbs new talent most readily, is the music that you can make alone in your room on a laptop.

Indie rock is clearly not as relevant as it was in its heyday in the 1980s and '90s, but it needn't consign itself completely to history. If artists can wake up to the world around them, engage with it, confront it, criticise it, articulate people's alienation from it and work to build alternatives – whether reviving lost dreams from the past or forging fresh ones of their own – indie rock will continue to connect with people and give them a musical space they can call home.


Ian F. MartinIan F. Martin
Author of Quit Your Band! Musical Notes from the Japanese Underground(邦題:バンドやめようぜ!). Born in the UK and now lives in Tokyo where he works as a writer and runs Call And Response Records (callandresponse.tictail.com).