ele-king Powerd by DOMMUNE


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  20. interview with Fontaines D.C. (Conor Deegan III) 来日したフォンテインズD.C.のベーシストに話を聞く

Home >  Reviews >  Album Reviews > The Master Musicians of Joujouka- Live in Paris

The Master Musicians of Joujouka


The Master Musicians of Joujouka

Live in Paris

Unlistenable Records


May 31,2021 UP





 それ以来、グループのリリース(バシール・アッタール率いるライヴァルの一団であるThe Master Musicians of Jajoukaも含む)は、フィールド録音から、2000年にアッタールがその一団とタルヴィン・シンとで制作した、グループの名を冠したアルバム(これはスルーしてよい作品。信じてほしい)のような作り込み過ぎたワールドビート・フュージョンのようなものなど、多岐にわたっている。しかし、2016年にパリのポンピドゥー・センターで行われた「ビート・ジェネレーション展」でのコンサートを収録した『ライヴ・イン・パリ』ほど、好き勝手に、力強くやっている録音はないと自信を持っていえる。

 2017年の日本ツアーの際に限定盤として販売されたCDの、正式なLPレコードとデジタル音源のリリースは、1年以上にわたるCOVID-19煉獄の後では、より歓迎されるに違いない。これは、マスター・ミュージシャンズのアンプリファイド・モードであり、2017年のErgot Recordsからリリースされた『Into The Ahl Srif』のフィールド録音とは全く異なっており、私が記憶しているジャジューカのフェスティヴァルでのサウンドに近いものになっている。






The Master Musicians of Joujouka
Live in Paris

Unlistenable Records

James Hadfield

One of the best shows I’ve seen in the past five years―maybe ever―was the closing set that the Master Musicians of Joujouka played at Festival de Frue in 2017. The Moroccans were the stars of the weekend, having already done a pair of amplified performances that demonstrated their ability to rock a main-stage crowd.
For their final appearance, they shifted to a marquee in the festival campsite for a late-night acoustic set―though such distinctions mean little to a band that’s capable of achieving deafening volumes without the need for a PA. The setting was a convincing recreation of the festival that the group hold each year at their village in the foothills of the Rif Mountains, right down to the threadbare rugs covering the stage.
Having been to that event a couple of times myself, I had a fairly good idea of what to expect, but the effect the music had on the assembled crowd of a few hundred people at Frue still took me by surprise. It was a night of joyous abandon: proper hands-in-the-air rave stuff, people howling with joy as the group kept ascending to new heights of intensity over a performance lasting nearly four hours.
Capturing that kind of experience on record is always going to be a challenge, and the Masters’ discography―while featuring some very fine releases―has never delivered anything quite as ecstatic as their live performances. On the 1971 album that first introduced them to a wider audience, “Brian Jones Presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka,” the music was subjected to electronic treatments that accentuated its psychedelic properties at the expense of its physicality.
Since then, the group’s releases―and those by rival outfit The Master Musicians of Jajouka led by Bachir Attar―have ranged from field recordings to over-produced worldbeat fusion efforts like the self-titled 2000 album that Attar’s troupe recorded with Talvin Singh (trust me: you can skip it). But I’m confident in saying that nothing has kicked out the jams quite as emphatically as “Live in Paris,” which captures a 2016 concert at the Centre Georges Pompidou, held as part of an exhibition dedicated to the Beat Generation.
Sold in a limited CD edition during the group’s 2017 Japan tour, the album has finally had a proper vinyl and digital release, and after over a year of COVID-19 purgatory it feels all the more welcome. This is the Master Musicians in amplified mode, and it’s very different from the field recordings heard on the 2017 Ergot Records release “Into The Ahl Srif,” which came closer to how I remember them sounding at the festival in Joujouka.
Kamanja (violin) player Ahmed Talha in particular benefits from amplification, letting his astonishing microtonal playing assert itself more forcefully. He takes a central role on the B side of the first disc, which features ebullient renditions of staples like “Brian Jones Zahjouka Very Stoned,” with lead vocals by the late Abdeslam Boukhzar. Some of the same pieces pop up on the flip side, though here the music is a hypnotic blend of sinuous, call-and-response lira flutes and percussion, with complex polyrhythms that leap into sudden accelerandos at the end of each piece.
However, the biggest draw is the album’s second disc, which contains a full version of the trance-inducing “Boujeloud.” Traditionally performed on the final night of the festival in Joujouka, this suite provides the soundtrack for a fire-lit ritual, in which the normally retiring Mohamed El Hatmi embodies the mythical half-man, half-goat creature known as the Boujeloud.
The spectacle of Hatmi, dressed in a ragged fur costume and vigorously thwacking people to drive out evil spirits, brings to mind the Namahage of Akita’s Oga Peninsula, but the music is something else altogether: a sense-scrambling assault of double-reeded ghaita that seem to swarm and swirl around each other, backed by thunderous percussion.
In the liner notes, the group’s manager and producer, Frank Rynne, explains that this part of the concert was recorded with two stereo pair microphones to “maintain the primordial authenticity” of the music, which is a fancy way of saying that it rocks very hard indeed. During the central stretch of the nearly 44-minute piece, the massed ghaita start creating weird phasing effects, like the music itself is becoming delirious.
Short of catching the group live, this is trance music in its purest form―sounds to lose yourself in, surrender to―and my only criticism of the vinyl edition is that you have to turn the damn thing over halfway through. The Pompidou concert culminated with a stage invasion, which Rynne says had only previously happened when Suicide played there. On this evidence, it was the only sensible response.
