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もちろん、彼らのバンドとしての成功もその助けになっている。デビュー・アルバム『Bright Green Field』が、爆発するようなアイディアと音楽的な野心との間の、鋭さと厳しいコントラストの中で、自分たちのコントロールが効かないことを楽しむ若いバンドのサウンドだったのに対し、ニュー・アルバム『O Monolith』は、自分たちのツールをよりよく使いこなす(楽器とソング・ライティングの両方で)アーティスト集団であることをさらけ出している。ステージ上では、それが音楽の両極間で、そのつなぎの部分をほぼ感じさせずに観客を翻弄するというパワフルな才能へと転化される。曲たちは融合し、キャッチーなヴォーカルのリフレインは、実験的なシークエンスから飛び出し、インダストリアルな激しい鼓動の中からフックが立ち現れて、馴染み深い曲の到来を告げる。
とはいえ、スクイッドは、いまでも全く “音楽だけがすべて” というわけでない。重要なのは、音楽が何をするかであり、彼らの場合は、衝撃的で、眩暈を起こすほどの強烈な、フィジカル(身体的)な体験を生み出すことなのだ。そして、スクイッドのメンバーが、派手なプレイをするのを控えたとしても、彼らは舞台裏に隠れて見えないような操り人形的なグループからはほど遠い。むしろ、彼らのパフォーマンスの多面的な相互作用は、マシンをより人間的で、歓迎され、より楽しく、孤独ではないものにしていく。それは、現代のロック・スターをも嫉妬させてしまうかもしれない。
Squid at Shibuya WWWX
on 27th November 2023
written by Ian F. Martin
The death of rock music has been proclaimed many times, either in triumph or lament, and it’s not happened yet. What has happened is that rock has lost its position at the heart of popular culture and started to settle into position as one of music’s many niches, like jazz or country — a set of codes and symbols for the brand-driven pop stars to draw from, but no longer a core part of that constellation of stars.
This has many implications, but one of them is that the idea of the rock star in the swaggering, traditional sense begins to look more and more absurd — a lonely relic from a dead age, grasping for a power and symbolism that is visibly slipping between his fingers, away into the past.
Squid might be a band ideally suited to this brave new world. Lined up onstage in a flat row of five, the closest thing they have to a frontman is singing drummer Ollie Judge, raised up on his throne only to the same elevation as his bandmates and no higher, and no individual member presents as a true focal point. Judge communicates his rock star presence, such as it is, in flicks and flourishes that blink past in a vanished moment as your attention flickers back and forth across the stage, tugged this way and that by the music’s constantly shifting dynamics.
There’s a cagey and circular claim that musicians sometimes make, that “it’s only about the music”. It’s never true, and might be an impossible and contradictory sort of purity to achieve, but Squid could perhaps make as good a claim as anyone. Their set opens with each of the band’s five members on rhythm, the intense and layered focus on bass, drums and percussion forcing the crowd’s attention onto the what they’re doing sonically and the role it plays setting up the next seventy minutes or so. Gradually, they begin to shift roles, no one sticking to a single instrument for the whole set, sometimes changing two or three times within a single song. They make themselves interchangeable parts of the machine, serving the music ahead of any onstage ego.
One side-effect of this constant shifting of roles is that, just as there’s no strutting rock star frontman, there’s no virtuoso guitar hero either. That’s not to say that the band aren’t tight, and explosive when needs arise, but it means that they don’t sell themselves particularly on their musicianship but rather on this fine balance of intensity and immaculately drilled organisation.
If this makes Squid seem like a cold-blooded math-rock musical engine, it doesn’t feel like that from the crowd, packed into a venue small enough to provide something as close to a club experience as you can get — at least for a band with such UK hype and a label like Warp behind them. Having hooked the audience in those opening, intensely rhythmical moments, the band carry them along for nearly the whole set without once stopping to address the crowd directly. Instead they rely on the dynamic changes and gear shifts, ranging from hysterical prog-punk that touches the deranged peaks of the Cardiacs to blissed-out ambient waves. Squid’s lack of anyone in any of the obvious rock hero roles might even be what helps them bring us all along with them through such complex and constantly-changing sonic tides, the collective onstage dynamic inviting us into a game they’re playing as a gang rather than leading us as passive followers of some rock star Christ figure.
Their own growth as a band surely helps too, though. Where debut album “Bright Green Field” was the sound of a young band delighting in the edges and harsh contrasts between their exploding ideas and musical ambitions, luxuriating in their own lack of control, new album “O Monolith” reveals a group of artists with greater command of their tools (both in instruments and songwriting). Onstage, that translates into a powerful ability to tease the audience between the music’s extremes while barely seeing the join. Songs merge together, catchy vocal refrains bounce off experimental sequences, and hooks emerge out of throbbing, industrial pulses to announce the arrival of familiar songs.
That said, Squid are still far more than “just about the music” because what matters is what the music does — in this case create an electrifying, dizzying and intensely physical experience. And while Squid’s members might shy away from showboating, they’re far from a group of puppeteers, invisible behind the scenes. Rather the multifaceted interplay of their performance makes the machine more human, more welcoming, more fun, and less lonely. A modern day rock star might even be jealous.