「All We Are」と一致するもの

Brian Eno - ele-king

 ありそうでなかったブツの登場だ。これまでイーノが手がけてきたサウンドトラックから17曲を選りすぐった編集盤『Film Music 1976 – 2020』が11月13日に発売される(日本盤はユニバーサル ミュージックより)。
 イーノはこの50年のあいだに(テレビ含め)数々のサントラを担当してきているが、盤化されていないものも多く、聴く機会に恵まれない音源もそれなりにあった。今回、『トレインスポッティング』の “Deep Blue Day”(昨年リイシューされた『Apollo』収録)やデレク・ジャーマン『セバスチャン』の “Final Sunset”(『Music For Films』収録)などの既発曲も含まれてはいるものの、他方で映画を観ないと(orその映画のDVDを買わないと)聴くことのできなかった音源(デヴィッド・リンチ『デューン』など)もしっかり収録されており、かなり嬉しいリリースとなっている。
 発売に先がけ、現在『ラブリーボーン』からジョン・ホプキンス&レオ・エイブラハムスとの共作(『Small Craft On A Milk Sea』の時期の曲ですね)“Ship In A Bottle” が公開中、これも盤化されていなかったトラックだ。



ブライアン・イーノによるサウンドトラック作品を集めた初のコレクション・アルバム『フィルム・ミュージック 1976-2020』が11月13日に発売!


未発売曲 “シップ・イン・ア・ボトル”(『ラブリーボーン』2009年/監督ピーター・ジャクソンより)が先行配信中。

フィルム・ミュージック 1976-2020
Film Music 1976 – 2020

UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE 限定特典:A2サイズ・ポスター ※無くなり次第終了


01. トップボーイ(テーマ)
『トップボーイ:サマーハウス – シーズン1』(2011年/監督ヤン・ドマンジュ)より
 ‘Top Boy (Theme)’ from ‘Top Boy’ – Series 1, directed by Yann Demange, 2011
02. シップ・イン・ア・ボトル
 ‘Ship In A Bottle’ from ‘The Lovely Bones’, directed by Peter Jackson, 2009
03. ブラッド・レッド
『フランシス・ベーコン 出来事と偶然のための媒体』(2005年/監督アダム・ロウ)より
 ‘Blood Red’ from ‘Francis Bacon’s Arena’, directed by Adam Low, 2005
04. アンダー
 ‘Under’ from ‘Cool World’, directed by Ralph Bakshi, 1992
05. ディクライン・アンド・フォール
『O Nome da Morte’』(2017年/監督エンリケ・ゴールドマン)より
 ‘Decline And Fall’ from ‘O Nome da Morte’, directed by Henrique Goldman, 2017
06. 予言のテーマ
 ‘Prophecy Theme’ from ‘Dune’, directed by David Lynch, 1984
07. リーズナブル・クエスチョン
『We Are As Gods』(2020年/デヴィッド・アルバラード、 ジェイソン・サスバーグ)より
 ‘Reasonable Question’ from ‘We Are As Gods’, directed by David Alvarado / Jason Sussberg, 2020
08. レイト・イブニング・イン・ジャージー
 ‘Late Evening In Jersey’ from ‘Heat’, directed by Michael Mann, 1995
09. ビーチ・シークエンス
 ‘Beach Sequence’ from ‘Beyond The Clouds’, directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, 1995
10. ユー・ドント・ミス・ユア・ウォーター
 ‘You Don’t Miss Your Water’ from ‘Married to the Mob’, directed by Jonathan Demme, 1988
11. ディープ・ブルー・デイ
 ‘Deep Blue Day’ from ‘Trainspotting’, directed by Danny Boyle, 1996
12. ソンブル
『トップボーイ:サマーハウス – シーズン2』(2013年/監督ジョナサン・バン・トゥレケン)
 ‘The Sombre’ from ‘Top Boy’ – Series 2, directed by Jonathan van Tulleken, 2013
13. ドーバー・ビーチ
 ‘Dover Beach’ from ‘Jubilee’, directed by Derek Jarman, 1978
14. デザイン・アズ・リダクション
 ‘Design as Reduction’ from ‘Rams’, directed by Gary Hustwit, 2018
15. アンダーシー・ステップス
 ‘Undersea Steps’ from ‘Hammerhead’, directed by George Chan, 2004
16. ファイナル・サンセット
 ‘Final Sunset’ from ‘Sebastiane’, directed by Derek Jarman, 1976
17. アン・エンディング
 ‘An Ending (Ascent)’, from ‘For All Mankind’, directed by Al Reinert, 1989

イーノが手掛けた曲は、今までに、映画や、ドキュメンタリー、テレビなどで何百曲と使用されてきた。また、世界的にも有名な監督の元で全編を通してのサウンドトラックを20作品以上手がけている。今回の『フィルム・ミュージック 1976-2020』は、イーノの最も著名な映画およびテレビのサウンドトラック17曲を収録した待望の1枚となっており、イーノの膨大な作品群への究極の入門書でもある。

イーノの長年に亘る映画との関わりは、1970年にマルコム・レグライス監督の実験的な短編映画『Berlin Horse』のサウンドトラックを手がけたことがきっかけだった。1976年には、『セバスチャン』と、長く忘れられていたギリシャのB級ホラー映画で『The Devil’s Men』という別名でも知られている『デビルズ・ビレッジ 魔神のいけにえ』でもサウンドトラックを手がけ、その後、自身のアルバムである『ミュージック・フォー・フィルムズ』をきっかけにさらに精力的に映画音楽に取り組んだ。

初期のイーノによる映画音楽の代表曲は、デヴィッド・リンチ監督『デューン/砂の惑星』からの「予言のテーマ」、マイケル・マン監督『ヒート』からの「Late Evening In Jersey」、ラルフ・バクシ監督『クール・ワールド』からの「Under」、そして、ジョナサン・デミ監督『愛されちゃってマフィア』で、ウィリアム・ベルのソウル・クラシックを情感たっぷりにカヴァーした「You Don’t Miss Your Water」などがあげられ、今作に収録されている。




 COVID-19の危機により、政治は我々の方に押し出され、目の前に突き付けられた。コンビニに徒歩で行くこと、行き交う歩行者たちのマスクの使用状況をチェックすること、歩道を通る際にスペースを確保すべくうまく通り抜ける術、我々の愛する音楽をサポートするため、ライヴ会場に出かけていくかどうかの判断などはすべて、我々の生活への政治の介入なのだ。この危機はまた、世界中の不平等や不正をあぶり出し、パンデミックにより人種的マイノリティが立場の弱いサービス業を不均衡に押し付けられた影響から、Black Lives Matter運動への重要な筋道をつけた。



 Black Lives Matterのようなものは、アメリカの問題であって、日本の問題ではないように見えるかもしれない。これには議論の余地はあるが、仮にそうだとしても、それが社会に提起する、人種、民族、ジェンダー、セクシュアリティや社会的背景などによって、どのように人を受け入れるか除外するかという問題はここにも存在し、解決していくべきことだ。大きな問題であれ、個人的な相互関係であれ、我々が特に考えもせずに踏襲する社会的慣習こそ、芸術による探究を必要としている最たるものだ。音楽には、これらの問題について考える社会的責任があるばかりでなく、音楽は表面的にどうであれ、“あるべき姿”を当たり前に思わないことで、より豊かにはなっても、陳腐にはなりにくいものなのだ。




Saving Music with Politics (Saving Politics with Music?)

by Ian F. Martin

“Music is just music. Leave politics out of it.”

If you’re reading a magazine like Ele-king, there’s a strong chance you already disagree with this statement. But as this disastrous year of 2020 continues shaking up lives around the world in ever more ways, it’s perhaps worth pushing this idea further and asking, “Is music even relevant if it’s not political?”

Firstly, we should think a little about what we mean by “political”. Politics is often understood as synonymous with “issues” and “activism”, words that suggest (often with negative connotations) some direct engagement with matters of government and society. And some music, whether Billy Bragg, Rage Against the Machine or Run the Jewels, is certainly political in that sense. But music is also already political in the sense that it talks about human lives and experiences — relationships between people, their daily struggles, navigating work, friends, family: all these things are invisibly influenced by political decisions that affect working hours, gender roles, salaries. The fact of being mainstream or underground is political simply by virtue of occupying one place or another in relation to culture’s dominant aesthetics and values. When people say they don't want something to be political, what they usually mean is simply that they don’t want to think about its political implications.

But many people do think about how politics touches their lives. They are enraged by the shameless lack of justice they see around them and the total lack of consequences for the powerful purveyors of those injustices. The flood of anger that erupted this spring at Prime Minister Abe’s attempts to stack the legal system with his allies was interesting, as was the speed at which the singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu was pushed to erase her Twitter criticism of Abe over the issue. This was a specific issue with big political implications, attracting wide engagement across Japan, but the entertainment industry is institutionally incapable of reflecting those sorts of feelings.

The COVID-19 crisis has pushed politics right up to our front doors and pressed it against our faces. The act of walking to a convenience store, the assessments we make over fellow pedestrians’ mask usage, the negotiations we make over space as we pass on the sidewalk, the decision over whether to go out to a venue and support the music we love — that’s all politics intervening in our lives. The crisis has also accentuated inequalities and injustices around the world, with an important thread of the Black Lives Matter narrative coming from the pandemic’s disproportionate affect on racial minorities and the inequalities that push them into vulnerable service jobs.

Whether through the music itself or an artist’s public statements, engaging with those feelings is part of music’s role though. It is part of the landscape of how we think and feel as a society; it’s a mirror that lets us see not just ourselves individually but also collectively — it shows us that we aren’t alone. And when the mainstream is incapable, that role falls to the independent or alternative scenes (because if not, what are they even independent from, an alternative to?) The UK chart success of acts like Stormzy and the subversive rise of indie bands like Sleaford Mods shows the power music can carry when it connects to the politics of people’s daily lives.

Something like Black Lives Matter may seem like an American problem and not really a Japanese issue. This is debatable, but even if we take it as true, the issues it raises about society and how we include or exclude people based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or social background exist here and deserve to be untangled. Whether in big issues or personal interactions, the social conventions we follow without thinking about are the ones most in need of exploration by the arts. It’s not just that music has a social responsibility to consider these matters: it’s that music, regardless of what it’s about on the surface, can be richer and less prone to cliché, when it doesn’t take “the way things are” for granted.

The relationship between the arts and politics is important in another way too. There are numerous institutional barriers that limit radical thought and alternative culture’s ability to communicate their creativity or visions for the future simply because media landscapes have grown up around the same interests that those independent voices seek to challenge. Their power instead lies in the ability to gather together and amplify their voice — whether in concerts, meetings, social events or rallies — but COVID-19 disrupts that ability. China took advantage of the lockdown in Hong Kong to strike a savage blow against the protest movement there, while Donald Trump is openly using the postal service to restrict people’s ability to vote safely in the upcoming US election.

While the stakes are lower and far less violent, alternative music culture too, in its own way, is affected by these forces. The pandemic has closed down people’s ability to gather, the word of mouth networks and physical meeting spots that keep the culture alive when it is already locked out of wider discourse by media ownership, talent agency influence, Spotify algorithms. The matter of how to organise, disseminate information and amplify voices under the restrictions brought on by the pandemic should be a matter of mutual urgency to both artistic and political spheres.

On the most intimate level, an underlying political awareness can enrich something as personal as a love song, helping it slip free of clichés and touch listeners in fresh ways. On a broader social level, artists feeling a greater freedom to directly address the politics of our daily lives can help music connect to the anxieties, anger and concerns people already have, as well as help articulate more optimistic possibilities for the future. On a purely practical level, political activism and creative culture face many of the same obstacles and could could well look to each other for help building the tools to help overcome them. In that sense, perhaps asking if music can retain its relevance without politics is not strong enough. Perhaps instead, we now need to be asking, “Can music even exist if it is not political?”

interview with Phew - ele-king


 2015年に『ニュー・ワールド』をリリースしたあと、Phewが作りあげてきたのは、完全に異彩を放つもので、ドローン・シンセサイザーやスケルタルなリズムや不気味なヴォーカル・シンセが押しよせるサウンドだった。好評だった2枚の海外リリース『Light Sleep』や『Voice Hardcore』に加えて、彼女は大規模な海外ツアーをおこない、パンクの同輩であるザ・レインコーツのアナ・ダ・シルヴァとのデュオも試みている。

 Phewの最新のアルバム『Vertigo KO』〈Disciples〉には未発表音源と2017年から2019年にレコーディングされた新曲が収録されている。ライナー・ノーツでPhewが「無意識の音のスケッチ」と言い表しているこのアルバムは、私たちが生きている不安な時代において、力強く響き渡っているのだ。








たしかに。ロンドンの〈Cafe OTO〉のTakuRokuというレーベルで、Phewさんの書いた説明と似ているところがありました。ご自身の音楽を通して、未来を描くというか。










いや、全然いいですよ! 『Vertigo KO』のライナーのなかで、「無意識的に音楽を作る」という言葉をよくおっしゃっていますが、音楽を作るときは意識的のときと無意識的のときの違いはどのような点にあるのでしょうか?



今作の中でレインコーツのカヴァー(2曲目“The Void”)はわりと意識的に作っていたようにも感じました。

Phew:そうです。あれはラジオ局からの依頼があって、「1979年にリリースされた曲のなかから、カヴァーしていただけませんか」という制約がありました。そのときはちょうどアナとのアルバムができたばかりの頃で、レインコーツも好きだったので、なかでもとりわけ好きだった、“THE VOID”を選びました。それをカヴァーするときはいろいろと考えました。例えば、ポストパンクやニューウェイヴの文脈でレインコーツは語られていますが、ひとつの文脈やムーヴメントとして語られることに、うんざりしているんです。私も当事者のひとりではあるけど。そう語られること、その文脈からどのように逃げ出せるか、ということを考えてカヴァー曲を録音しました。









アルバムというと、Phewさんが日本でリリースしている作品と海外でリリースしている作品がすこし解離しているように感じています。日本では『ニュー・ワールド』をリリースされていましたが、海外ではそれはほとんど知られてなかった。『Light Sleep』は編集盤で、『Voice Hardcore』は海外でも発表されていましたが日本盤とは違うし、今作の『Vertigo KO』も編集盤的だと思いました。

Phew:今作の『Vertigo KO』は、〈Disciples〉というレーベルの方がアナとのライヴを観に来てくれて、手書きのメモをもらいました。私の最近の作品をよく聴いてくれていたみたいで、音源をリリースしたいということが書かれていました。で、その次にロンドンで実際に行ったときに、レーベルの方に会って、話が進んでいきました。そのレーベルのコンセプトは、新譜ではなく未発表音源を編集してリリースするというもので、最初は、ちょっと警戒しました。未発表音源のリリースってあまり良い印象がなかったんです。80年代のレアでもないですけど、そのようなものを集めて出すというビジネスをあまり良く思っていなかったんです。でも、〈Disciples〉は昔のモノじゃなくて、ここ4~5年の音源、私がソロになってからの音源にすごく興味を持ってくれていたんです。「あ、これはなんか珍しいな」と思いましたね。いままでだったら、80年代のファースト・アルバムや、『アーント・サリー』、坂本龍一さんがプロデュースした最初のシングル(「終曲(フィナーレ)/うらはら」)だったりのお話が多かったんですけど、〈Disciples〉は違ったので、これは新しいなと思って(笑)。
 それで、日本に帰ってから、未発表音源を送って、向こうが選曲してきたんですよ。その選曲が新鮮で、1枚のアルバムにするために、新しい曲を2曲足しました。だから、『Vertigo KO』はレーベルとの共同作業ですね。私は自分の昔の曲を聴かないんですけど、でも聴かざるをえない状況になって、自分の曲をリミックスしているような感覚でした。それはすごく面白い体験にもなったし、レーベルの方とのやり取りで出てきたアイディアもたくさんあったし、タイトルとかも含めてね。

この経験後、また同じようなプロセスで制作したいと思われましたか? 今回だけですか?


それは、今作の最後に出る “Hearts and Flowers”みたいな感じになりますか?



『Voice Hardcore』は自主レーベルでリリースされていましたが、それは意図的でしたか?

Phew:どうせどこも出してくれないだろうと自分で決めてしまったのもあったかもしれない(笑)。レーベルを探そうともしなかったし。ちょうど、ヨーロッパ・ツアーに行く前になんとか形にしたいという想いがあって、自分ひとりでやるとその辺は早いじゃないですか。どこかからリリースすると、時間が最低でも2ヶ月、3ヶ月かかるでしょ。でも、自分やると1ヶ月くらい。でも、『Voice Hardcore』を出してくれるようなレーベル日本にあったのかな(笑)。

『Voice Hardcore』の評価は海外では良かったと思いますよ。

Phew:日本でライヴをするとしても1000~2000人とかのキャパではやらないじゃないですか。小さなスペースで、お客さんの顔が見える所で日本ではライヴをやっていますけど、海外でも一緒ですね。ただ、世界中に聴いてくれる人が散らばっていることがわかって、ホッとはしました。だから、一緒かなとは思いますね(笑)。例えば、ロンドンやニューヨークで『Voice Hardcore』を評判が高かったといっても1000人や2000人のお客さんの前で演奏するわけではないし。規模としては一緒だと思いますよ。ただ、ニューヨークとかは実験音楽や即興音楽をサポートする団体や機関の選択肢が日本よりも多いという違いはありますけどね。






『Voice Hardcore』に入っていた4曲目の“ナイス・ウェザー”という曲で、天気について触れられていて、今作でも天気について触れられていましたよね。私はイギリス人でイギリスでも日常会話のなかで天気の話題はよく出てくるんです。日本では天気について触れるとき、どのようなメタファーがあるんですが?










Interview/translation: James Hadfield

It comes as no surprise to discover that Phew doesn’t think much of archival labels. Four decades after she emerged with Osaka punk group Aunt Sally, then released one of the most striking solo debuts ever to come out of Japan (or anywhere else, for that matter), she could easily have chosen to cash in on past glories. Instead, she’s spent the past few years making some of the most potent music of her career, following her remarkable rebirth as a solo electronic musician in the 2010s. Since the release of “A New World” in 2015, Phew has created an utterly distinctive sound, defined by synthesizer drones, skeletal rhythms and eerie vocal swarms. In addition to two well-received international releases, “Light Sleep” and “Voice Hardcore,” she’s toured extensively overseas, including in a duo with fellow punk survivor Ana da Silva, of The Raincoats. Phew’s latest collection, “Vertigo KO” (Disciples), compiles unreleased material and a couple of new tracks, recorded between 2017 and 2019. In the liner notes, she describes it as an “unconscious sound sketch,” and it resonates powerfully with the uneasy times we’re living in.

JH:How have you been spending your time during during the pandemic?

PHEW:All my live dates were cancelled in March, which knocked me off my stride. While the state of emergency was in effect in Japan, there were times when I felt confused, and wasn’t sure what to do with myself. I’m already accustomed to living like this, though. I like being at home―reading books, listening to music, watching films―so not being able to go out hasn’t been so hard. But it’s made me really conscious of how I was spending my everyday life. All those daily routines that used to bore me, like sleeping, getting dressed, shopping and eating―I’m doing them more intentionally now. I’d like to start playing gigs again too, once that becomes possible, though we’re not quite there yet.

JH:When “Vertigo KO” was announced, I was really struck by what you described as the album’s hidden message: “What a terrible world we live in, but let’s survive.” It felt like a wonderful way of putting it.

PHEW:(Laughs) In fact, that doesn’t have anything to do with the coronavirus. For the past five years or so, I’ve seen for myself how disparities are widening―not just in Japan, but also in places I’ve visited on tour―and this left me feeling that it’s a really hard world to live in. I was already thinking “what a terrible world” before the coronavirus came along.

JH:I feel like your music―especially your recent work―evokes a strong sense of solitude, like it’s being created in isolation from the world. You were already making music at home before the pandemic, but are you aware of it influencing your work in other ways?

PHEW:I think I’ll realise that further down the line. I’m just taking one day at a time―that’s what I’ve decided to do. There are lots of awful things happening at the moment, but I can’t respond to them right away. That’s not to say that I’m averting my eyes from all of that: I know what’s going on in the world, I’m just not getting too caught up in the current moment. It’s like (I’m creating) an antithesis to the era. Then again, rejecting the present is like saying you wish reality was different, and I appreciate it’s impossible to change what’s already happened. So I take a position of trying to understand at least something about the current state of the world, based on information I can gather myself. I’m maintaining these two forms of awareness as I go about my daily life, and the irony and humour that comes from that is reflected in the music I make. (Laughs) Did you get all that?

JH:I think perhaps this ties in with what you said about your release for Cafe OTO’s TakuRoku label (“Can you keep it down, please?”)―about how you’re creating your own future through your music?

PHEW:That’s because I’m thinking about the future at the moment, not just in relation to music. I think about the past, too. There’s no “now”: just the past and the future. What we call “now” is really a void. That’s why I can’t convey now what’s happening now.


PHEW:So even though things are bad… I don’t want to say you can’t help what happens, but I can’t think too much about the future. I’m only able to make definite plans a few weeks ahead, or even only a few days.

JH:I went back to “A New World” this morning, for the first time in a while. I’d thought of that album as a gateway to the music you’ve created since, but revisiting it now, I felt it had a stronger connection with your past. In some senses, it's like it was marking the end of something, rather than the beginning. Would you agree with that?

PHEW:I wonder about that… I don’t listen to my old releases, but I’ve had times when my impressions of other people’s music have changed, and I’ve discovered something new. I’m from the “anti hippy” generation, so when I first started getting obsessed about music, I particularly avoided stuff from the 1960s. I’ve come to realize that was a real waste. (Laughs)

JH:I know what you mean!

PHEW:Seriously! The Grateful Dead were active at the time, but I’d closed my ears to it. When I was young, I jumped to the conclusion that it was all hippy music, which was a mistake. But there are things I liked when I was younger that I like even more now. That’s definitely true of Kraftwerk. I hated hippies, but Can and Kraftwerk were different.

JH:Was that anti-hippy stance something you absorbed from others, or did you come upon it by yourself?

PHEW:I’d seen everything with my own eyes as a teenager: how the battles of the 1960s ended in defeat. Rock music during the first half of the 1970s didn’t do anything for me. David Bowie dazzled me when I first heard him at junior high; I think it was around “Aladdin Sane.” I got into T-Rex, which was also dazzling, but totally empty. Maybe this was just a Japan thing, but Bad Company and Deep Purple were really popular here at the time, and I hated them! I hated the clothes, the music, the way they were marketed to girls with these titillating articles in the music press. I haven’t liked that since I was at junior high. My older sister had a copy of Bad Company’s first album, on Island Records, and there was an insert introducing the label’s other artists. There was a photo of Sparks’ “Kimono My House,” and I bought it based on the album cover. My first impression was that they were real oddballs: they weren’t like Bowie, they had a different vibe from Bolan’s glittery thing. When I listened to them, it clicked immediately. The mainstream at the time was hard rock like Deep Purple, but I started searching out music in the corners. Sparks were released in Japan, too. I was able to find them at my local record shop, and then that tied in with the New York punk scene. Sorry, I’m just rambling on about the past!

JH:No, it’s fine! In the liner notes for “Vertigo KO,” you talk at a few points about making music unconsciously, or without thinking. Can you tell me a bit about that distinction?

PHEW:For instance, if someone asks me to make something, it will be a very conscious process. There are a lot of constraints, too. When I’m making a solo album, I can work freely, so it becomes more unconscious, making sounds without deciding anything in advance. But it’s impossible to make something completely without conscious input, because I’ll still be editing tracks in order to make an album. The performance itself is partly unconscious; a lot of times, I’ll let the sound dictate what comes next. But when I have to turn that into a finished package, obviously that becomes a conscious act of creation.

JH:I take it that the Raincoats cover on the album (“The Void”) is an example of a consciously created track?

PHEW:That’s right. It was a request from a radio show, which asked me to cover a song that was released in 1979. I’d just done the album with Ana, and I liked The Raincoats, so I picked one of their songs which I was particularly of fond of, “The Void.” I put a lot of thought into how I’d cover it. For instance, The Raincoats are talked about in terms of post-punk and new wave, but I find it so boring when things are always framed in the same way―and this has happened with me as well. So when I covered the song, I was looking for a way to liberate it from that particular context.

JH:Has Ana heard it?

PHEW:Yes, I sent it to her right away.

JH:What did she think?

PHEW:She appreciated it.

JH:You’ve already released one album with Ana, and I saw that you had another one in the works…

PHEW:I’m not sure you’d call it an album. We’re doing a project at the moment where we’re uploading tracks created during lockdown, and I think we’ll compile those into a release.

JH:How has the collaboration evolved in the course of working and touring together?

PHEW:I toured with Ana last year, but my main focus was working on my solo album. I didn’t have much time for recording, as I was touring so much. We started talking about doing another collaboration earlier this year, and we uploaded a track to Bandcamp in June (“ahhh”). We’d originally planned to go on tour in Europe during June, but that got cancelled. At the moment, we’re sending files back and forth to each other, like we’re exchanging letters. I can’t really say if it will lead to a standalone album. Maybe that’s one thing that’s changed since the start of the pandemic. I was talking earlier about not setting goals for the future, but until last year, it was normal for me to work towards making an album, and I’d create music with that in mind. But physical distribution has ground to a halt this year: it takes forever for deliveries to arrive from the UK and US, and you can only send things via surface mail from Japan. Given the facts of the situation, it feels hard to think about releasing an album right now.

JH:Speaking of albums: there are some variations between the releases you’ve put out in Japan and internationally. “A New World” came out here, but not many people overseas seem to have heard of it. “Light Sleep” was a compilation, the international edition of “Voice Hardcore” is different from the Japanese one, and “Vertigo KO” is also kind of a compilation…

PHEW:Right, right. “Vertigo KO” started when the guy from Disciples came to watch Ana and me play, and slipped me a hand-written note. He’d been listening a lot to my recent work, and said he wanted to release some of my recordings. The next time I went to London, we met up and talked about it. The label’s concept is to release collections of unreleased recordings, rather than new material, so I initially had some reservations. I didn’t have a good impression of archival releases. Even if it’s not rarities from the 1980s (laughs), I don’t think much of releasing that kind of stuff as a business. But Disciples weren’t talking about music from a long time ago: they were interested in the solo material I’d recorded over the past 4 or 5 years, which was unusual. Up until then, I’d had lots of people ask about my first album (“Phew”), Aunt Sally, or my debut single that Ryuichi Sakamoto produced (“Finale”), but Disciples were different―which was a change! When I got back to Japan, I sent them some unreleased recordings and they decided the track selection. The tracks they picked felt fresh, and since it was going to be an album, I threw in a couple of new songs. So it’s really a collaboration with the label. Like I said earlier, I don’t listen to my old music, but in this case it couldn’t be helped, and it turned out to be a really interesting experience: it was like remixing my past. A lot of ideas came out during my exchanges with the label, the album title included.

JH:So do you think you’d like to do the same sort of thing again, or was it a one-off?

PHEW:I enjoyed the process this time, and I’d happily do it again given the chance, but what I really want to do now is release an album of the new material I’ve recorded over the past year.

JH:Is that going to be in the vein of “Hearts and Flowers” (the closing track on “Vertigo KO,” which Phew has described as the genesis for her next album), or something different?

PHEW:I have an album’s worth of material that’s like a continuation of that. But like I was saying earlier, it’s hard to make and sell records and CDs at the moment, so I’m still weighing up my options. I’m planning to self-release something, but that won’t be until next year.

JH:Out of interest, was your decision to self-release “Voice Hardcore” in Japan made out of necessity or choice?

PHEW:I think I’d probably come to the conclusion that nobody was going to release it for me! I didn’t even try looking for a label. I wanted to put something together before I went on tour in Europe, and figured it would be quicker to release it myself. When you release something through a label, it’s going to take a minimum of two or three months, but I could cut that down to a month or so if I did it myself. I’m not sure there were any labels in Japan that would have released “Voice Hardcore.” (Laughs)

JH:I wonder about that. It seemed to get a really good response overseas.

PHEW:When I do shows in Japan, it’s not like I’m playing at 1,000 or 2,000 capacity venues, is it? I’m doing gigs at places that are small enough for me to see the audience’s faces, and it’s the same in other countries. It was a relief to realise that there were people who’d listen to my music scattered all over the world. So it’s not a question of Japan being better or worse: I think it’s the same everywhere! Even if “Voice Hardcore” got a good reception in London or New York, I’m not going to be performing in front of 1,000 or 2,000 people over there. I think the scale is the same. The main difference is that in places like New York, there are more funding options from groups and organizations that support experimental and improvised music than in Japan.

JH:I have the impression that there was a lot more corporate sponsorship available in the 1980s in Japan, but I guess you weren’t associating much with that world at the time?

PHEW:You could see all kinds of stuff in Japan in the 1980s. There were lots of opportunities to experience culture from around the world―not just music, but also theatre, dance and contemporary art, especially in Tokyo. During the Bubble era, there was the money to bring people over, but I don’t feel like it left any kind of legacy: there’s no connection with what’s happening now. I lived through that whole period, but during the 1980s I was living in opposition to the era. I could see what was going on, but I kept my distance.

JH:I’m not sure if this is related, but venues and cinemas have been really struggling during the coronavirus pandemic. You were posting about this on Twitter back in April and May, but do you think there’s more that should be done to support them?

PHEW:I’m not sure there’s much I can do personally, besides making donations and buying merchandise. I think there has to be more financial assistance, but there are hardly any industries that haven’t been affected by the pandemic―it’s basically hit everyone, hasn’t it? We all just have to do what we can to scrape by. It’s hard to take a broader view: we’re so caught up in the midst of this that we can’t see what will come next. That’s why I’m treasuring daily life so much. I saw yesterday that Japan’s GDP had dropped 27%, and it’s even worse in the EU and US. I have no idea what’s going to happen next… and all the possibilities I can think of are bad! (Laughs) For now, all I can do is carry on with my daily life, although that might gradually change over time. With live venues, my heart goes out to them―it’s really tough. They aren’t just places for showcasing your own music: it’s hard not having somewhere for people to gather informally. More than anything, I’ve always liked the atmosphere of clubs and live venues. When it’s an all-night event, by 3 or 4 in the morning, everyone’s sleeping on the floor, right? They’re so defenceless: everyone looks like stray cats! (Laughs) That wouldn’t happen anywhere else, except at a club. It’s painful seeing these safe spaces for music lovers in such a critical state, and we can’t let them disappear.

JH:Finally: this is a weird question, but my favourite track from “Voice Hardcore” is “Nice Weather,” which features pleasantries about the weather (“Nothing happened / The weather was nice”), and you return to the theme again on this album. I’m from the UK, and it’s a regular topic of conversation there too, but what do you think Japanese people are really talking about when they talk about the weather?

PHEW:It’s like we’re not able to talk about anything other than the weather! There are only limited opportunities for people to speak freely, and the smallest thing might be misunderstood or taken out of context. It’s safe to stick to the weather, or the changing seasons. (Laughs) Nobody’s going to take issue with that! With the UK, you’ve got quite a long history of people from different cultures living together, so perhaps the weather is the safest topic of conversation?

JH:I think there’s something to that. One difference with Japan is that people in the UK are more willing to talk about politics, but I’d agree that it’s safest to stick to the weather.

PHEW:I’m happy talking politics face to face, but I don’t want to make public pronouncements about it.

JH:I thought you were pretty direct about those things. Or is that just in interviews?

PHEW:With interviews, if I can at least see the person I’m talking to, then if they ask me about these things, I’ll give them a straight answer. But I don’t want to say anything to someone I can’t see. When people start addressing messages to an invisible audience, whether it’s politicians or artists, I tune them out. (Laughs) I won’t listen!

JH:I think that’s a good policy! Shall we wrap things up here?

PHEW:I hope we’re able to see each other in person next time! Thank you.

Banksy - ele-king


 フランスのアナキスト/フェミニストの名前にちなんで「ルイズ・ミシェル」と名付けられたその船には、救助活動に参加している欧州各地からの活動家が乗っていた。長年にわたって活動してきたドイツの人権活動家、Pia Klemp氏がガーディアンに語ったところによると、あるときいきなりバンクシーから「やあ、Pia。私はあなたのことを新聞で読んだ」というメールが来たという。「私はイギリスのアーティストで、移民危機についてやることがあり、お金を持ってられません。新しいボートか何かを買うために、使ってもらえますか?」

 北アフリカからの難民問題は数年前から話題になっている。多くの貧困者たちがヨーロッパを目指し密航し、そして多くの人たちが地中海で死ぬか、あるいはイタリアなどの沿岸警備隊員ボートに見つけられ、リビアの強制収容所に帰されている。2020年だけでもすでに514人の難民が海に溺れ死んだと言われているが、くだんのPia Klemp氏は、2016年〜2018年に1万4千人の溺れそうだった難民を救った。

Frankie Knuckles - ele-king

 近々発売される、〈DJ International〉が手掛けるハウスのコンピレーション・シリーズ『Jackmaster』の最新盤「7」に、シカゴ・ハウスのゴッドファザー、フランキー・ナックルズの“Carefree(I Am A Star)”が収録され、これがシングル・リリースされる。


Bob Dylan - ele-king



by Matthew Chozick

For five minutes and thirty-one seconds, I once believed in God. Not just any deity, but the Judeo-Christian one, who, in Renaissance paintings, looks like Santa Claus on a cauliflower rice diet.
   Oddly, He came to me in a pop song ― I was eleven.
   Although I might’ve found the Almighty in the stereo of a junior high dance or speakered into a gas station bathroom, remarkably, He appeared to me in synagogue.
   At the time I was in a Sunday Hebrew school class for children.
   Every weekend we kids studied gloomy Torah stories, and sometimes a rabbi would lighten the mood with music from Jewish rockers.
   During a lull one Sunday, my rabbi inserted a cassette tape into a boombox, pressed play, and out came Bob Dylan’s “Mr. Tambourine Man.”
   It began with simple acoustic guitar chords: D to G to A to D.
   Then Dylan started to sing of forgotten ancient streets and of an empire that, in one night, crumbled to sand.
   The lyrics did something weird to my brain. The first verse conjured a psychedelic vision of desert civilizations that, from afar, looked like ant colonies. They rose and fell, in time-lapse, on a massive, geological scale.
   It was a little scary.
   But Dylan’s gentle voice relaxed me ― until it sent my imagination soaring, literally. The second and third verses of “Mr. Tambourine Man” included a journey towards the Sun on a “magic swirling ship.” The lyrics carried my mind’s eye up, out of the synagogue, through the sky, into space.
   I felt the presence of God.
   By its final chorus, “Mr. Tambourine Man” seemed no less a miracle than the Burning Bush or the parting of the Red Sea.
   And then my rabbi readied his finger above the boombox’s stop button, right before the track ended with a soft fadeout of the harmonica.

Now, in 2020, long after I left my ancestral religion behind, Dylan is still packing harmonica with miracles. One such miracle is that the singer-songwriter’s new record, Rough and Rowdy Ways, has given the seventy-nine-year-old his first chart-topping Billboard single ever. And extraordinarily, the hit is some seventeen minutes long.
   Released amid our COVID-19 pandemic, listeners have had an unprecedented amount of time at home to parse Dylan. Tellingly, in recent years Billboard hits had been shrinking in size. In 2019 they averaged about three minutes ― roughly 1/6 of Dylan’s 2020 opus.
   The new album’s gentle pacing feels soothing in our era of coronavirus anxieties. It relaxes like a cup of herbal tea.
   But the record’s sonic mildness belies provocative lyrics. There’s a penis joke, a conspiracy theory, plenty of death, and notable references to Indiana Jones, Anne Frank, Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx.
The vocals serve as the centerpiece of the album; lyrics hang like spotlit paintings in front of instrumental accompaniments.
   Dylan’s voice at seventy-nine cracks and wavers, which makes the record even more compelling in our age of autotune and pitch correction software.
   The singing sounds cool; Dylan’s gotten gravellier with age. He’s now more Tom Waits than Tom Waits.
   Some things haven’t changed; Dylan still wears his influences on his sleeve. His old muses are reflected and refracted on the new album ― familiar 1940s Woodie Guthrie stylings, Appalachian refrains, forays into the Great American Songbook, hints of Allen Lomax’s field recordings, symbolist poetry, rock n’ roll covers of his own folk music, journalistic storytelling, and oh so much more.
    Rough and Rowdy Ways works as a bold culmination of the near-octogenarian’s career. It warrants many relistens and it feels bottomless, expansive. It contains multitudes.
   Like Dylan has done time and time again, the new album elevates pop culture orders of magnitude. And if ― knock on wood ― this turns out to be Dylan’s final release, it would be a brilliant note to finish on. Yet I expect more pleasant surprises to come from Dylan. He is still as peerless in 2020 as he was in 1964.
   To be sure, it’s heartening to see such lyrical originality from a pop artist of Dylan’s age.
   For decades Dylan’s writerly lyrics have captivated me. Like my favorite novelists and filmmakers, Dylan has continually helped me notice things about the world that, in my own stupidity, I would have otherwise missed. So I’m very lucky that, at age eleven, I discovered Dylan in a synagogue boombox.
    And while it seems a little weird now, it makes sense that Dylan’s lyrics made me a believer ― if only for a few minutes. After all, good songs are how we communicate with the divine. Every major faith uses music, and singing has been central to spiritual practice throughout human history.
    In our secular era today, we’re still neurolinguistically wired to experience pop music as religious. We discuss albums as having “soul” and we refer to rock heroes, like Dylan, as “gods.”
    Even now part of me finds Dylan’s songwriting to be divine. His gravelly voice on the new record sounds as if it has all the answers to life’s questions.

KURANAKA 1945 × GOTH-TRAD × OLIVE OIL - ele-king

 KURANAKA a.k.a 1945 主催のパーティ《Zettai-Mu》が9月13日に梅田 NOON にて開催される。GOTH-TRAD、OLIVE OIL、mileZ ら豪華な面々が出演。5月にはライヴ・ストリーミングで「Zettai-At-Ho-Mu」が開催されていたが、今回はリアルに会場へと足を運ぶもの。コロナ時代における音楽やダンス、クラブのあり方を探っていくイヴェントになりそうだ。感染拡大防止対策をとりつつ、ぜひ参加してみてください。

Run The Jewels - ele-king

 以下に掲げるのは、8月26日発売『別冊ele-king ブラック・パワーに捧ぐ』に収録されたジェイムズ・ハッドフィールドの原稿です。今回、同号の予告編として特別に先行公開いたします。なお彼は同誌にてビヨンセやギル・スコット・ヘロンについても書いています。(編集部)

 『RTJ4』はこのスピーチの翌週に発売されたが、これほどタイミングのいいリリースはそうそうないことである。そこには怒りがあり、ユーモアがあり、敵意を削ぐような率直さがあって、目下の状況が先取りされていると同時に、目下の状況との共鳴が見られる。ラッパー兼プロデューサーであるエルPのキャリアのなかでもっともパンチがあり、もっとも派手な作品だといえるこのアルバムは、時代の終わりのためのパーティ・ミュージックである。リード・シングル “オー・ラ・ラ” のMVのなかで予見されているのは、まさにそうしたイメージだ。そのなかで彼らは、資本主義の終わりを祝うブロック・パーティを主催し、価値のなくなった大量のドル札が燃えるそのパーティーのなかでは、浮かれ騒ぐ群衆のポップダンスが繰りひろげられている。 

 じっさい、2014年の『ラン・ザ・ジュエルズ2』収録の “アーリー” は、新しいアルバムに収録された “ウォーキング・イン・ザ・スノー” とまったく同じように、聴く者の胸をえぐるような警察の残虐さを描いたものだった──後者の曲のなかでマイクは、「その悲鳴が『息ができない』と言うかすかな声に変わるまで/俺と同じような男が」首を絞められる様子を思い描いている。このときに彼が考えていたのはエリック・ガーナーの最後の言葉だったが、死の直前のジョージ・フロイドは、同じ言葉を20回以上繰りかえしていたのだった。
 だがエルPは、インタヴューのたびに繰りかえし、現在の出来事に足並みを合わせていたいわけではないのだと語っている。自分たちの正しさが証明されるよりも、黙示録的な変人でいたいと言うわけである。こうした考えは、“プリング・ザ・ピン” に感情のこもったヴォーカル・フックを提供しているヴェテラン・ソウル歌手メイヴィス・ステイプルズ[Mavis Staples]による、次のような歌詞に表現されている。「俺が勘違いしているだけならいいんだ/だけど最悪の場合、俺ははじめから正しかったことになる」
 荒涼とした現状が描かれ、辛辣なコメディが繰りひろげられたあとで、このアルバムは、予想外にも胸を刺すような感動的なトーンで幕を閉じている。ラン・ザ・ジュエルズが仮面を取ったのは、この “ア・フュー・ワーズ・フォー・ザ・ファイアリング・スクワッド(レディエーション)” がはじめと言うわけではないが、先立つ曲の激しさのあとでは、そこで彼らが表現する感情の直接性は、いっそう印象的なものに感じられる。


It’s hard to separate “RJ4,” the fourth and most vital album by Run The Jewels, from the widely shared speech that Killer Mike delivered in Atlanta on May 29. As protests over the police killing of George Floyd a few days earlier took a destructive turn, the rapper both acknowledged people’s anger and urged them not to direct it at their own communities.

“We don’t wanna see Targets burning,” he said. “We wanna see the system that sets up for systemic racism, burned to the ground.”

“RJ4” dropped the following week, and few albums could have been better timed. At times angry, funny and disarmingly honest, it both anticipates and resonates with the current moment. Boasting some of the punchiest, most garish productions of rapper/producer El-P’s career, it’s party music for the end of times. That’s pretty much what the duo envisioned for the video for lead single “Ooh La La,” in which they preside over a block party celebrating the end of capitalism, revellers popping dance moves while burning bucket-loads of devalued dollars.

Throughout their four albums, Run The Jewels have balanced righteous anger with absurdist humour, discussing police brutality in one track then joking about shooting poodles in the next. That many of the lyrics on “RTJ4” seem tailor-made for 2020, that’s not because of soothsaying: the duo has always been talking about these things.

“Early,” from 2014’s “Run The Jewels 2,” was a depiction of police brutality ever bit as harrowing as the new album’s “Walking in the Snow”—the track on which Mike imagines cops choking “a man like me / Until my voice goes from a shriek to whisper ‘I can’t breathe’.” He was thinking of Eric Garner’s final words, but Floyd repeated the same phrase more than 20 times before he died.

In interviews, El-P has repeatedly said the duo would rather not find themselves so in step with current events: better to be dismissed as apocalyptic nut-jobs than proved right. It’s the same sentiment expressed by soul veteran Mavis Staples, who supplies the emotive vocal hook to “Pulling The Pin”: “And at best I'm just getting it wrong / And at worst I’ve been right from the start.”

After the bleakness and acerbic comedy of what’s come before, the album closes on an unexpectedly poignant note. “A Few Words for the Firing Squad (Radiation)” isn’t the first time Run The Jewels have taken their masks off, but the directness of the sentiments they express feels all the more striking after the onslaught of the preceding tracks.

Mike’s speech in Atlanta may have suggested he had a political career ahead of him, but his lyrics reject the mantle of social justice hero. Recalling a conversation with his wife, he raps: “Friends tell her he could be another Malcom / He could be another Martin / She told her partner I need a husband more than / The world need another martyr.”

Even when he has the world’s attention, he’s smart enough to know when to drop the mic.

ISSUGI - ele-king

 残念ながら8月9日に予定されていたライヴが中止になってしまった ISSUGI だけれど(コロナめ……)、最新作『GEMZ』から新たに “再生” のMVが公開されている。1枚1枚、紙に印刷して制作されたというこの映像、独特の雰囲気を醸し出していてカッコいいです(KOJOE も登場)。これを観ながら、いつかライヴを体験できるようになる日を心待ちにしていよう。

ISSUGI のバンド・サウンドを取り入れたアルバム『GEMZ』から BUDAMUNK のプロデュースによる “再生” のMVが公開! Damngood Production の Toru Kosemura、Tomohito Morita が手掛けており KOJOE も出演!

Bull のサポートのもと制作された ISSUGI のニュー・アルバム『GEMZ』から BUDAMUNK のプロデュースによる “再生” のミュージック・ビデオが公開! 1枚1枚、紙に印刷して作られた映像作品はディレクションを Toru Kosemura (Damngood Production)、アニメーションを Tomohito Morita (Damngood Production) が担当しており、コーラスで参加している KOJOE もフィーチャーしております。

*ISSUGI - 再生 Prod by Budamunk (Official Video)

アーティスト: ISSUGI (イスギ)
タイトル: GEMZ (ジェムズ)
レーベル: P-VINE, Inc. / Dogear Records
品番: PCD-25284
発売日: 2019年12月11日(水)
税抜販売価格: 2,500円

Members are...






監修・文:田中 “hally” 治久



田中 “hally” 治久

世界初のゲーム音楽DJクラブイベント『FARDRAUT』開催に関わるなど90年代より活動。2014年に和モノ・歌謡曲公式 MIX CD『ヤバ歌謡』、2017年に玩具・ゲーム関連楽曲コンピレーションCD『トイキャラポップ・コレクション』等のシリーズ企画を手掛け過去音源の発掘やリイシューにも精力的に取り組む。ライターとして『レコード・コレクターズ』『CONTINUE』『昭和40年男』に連載中。

糸田 屯 (いとだ・とん)
ライター/ゲーム音楽ディガー。執筆参加『ゲーム音楽ディスクガイド Diggin' In The Discs』(ele-king books)、『新蒸気波要点ガイド ヴェイパーウェイヴ・アーカイブス2009-2019』『ニューエイジ・ミュージック・ディスクガイド』(DU BOOKS)。「ミステリマガジン」(早川書房)にてコラム「ミステリ・ディスク道を往く」連載中。

井上尚昭 (rps7575)
2001年、“レコード会社別で捉える、ゲーム音楽カタログレビュー” をコンセプトにしたウェブサイト「電子遊戯音盤堂」を開設。ゲームに限らず、洋邦アニメ実写問わずサウンドトラック全般守備範囲。本業はサウンドデザイナーで、映画/TV/広告/音楽フェスなど多岐に渡る。ゲーム関連では e-Sports の音まわりや、デベロッパーのサウンドロゴ制作など。

市村 圭‬





S1 続・歴史的名盤──音源チップ全盛期からサブスク時代の新潮流まで

任天堂 | ナムコ | コナミ | セガ | アーケードその他 | 家庭用その他 | パソコン系その他 | リバイバル | 海外パソコン

スクウェア・エニックス | 任天堂 | コナミ | タイトー | 家庭用その他(SFC) | 家庭用その他(PS) | その他

シンフォニック | 民族音楽 | アコースティック~ニューエイジ | ジャジー~フュージョン | ラウンジ~トイミュージック | シンセサイザー | ロック | エレクトロニカ | クラブ | 音楽ゲーム(コナミ) | 音楽ゲーム(その他) | 音楽ゲーム(アイドル) | ボーカル | パチスロ/パチンコ | ジャンルミックス | CD-ROMで聴ける音楽

エレクトロニカ | クラブ~エレクトロニックダンス | レトロモダン~80sリバイバル | ロック | シンフォニック | アコースティック | ラウンジ~渋谷系 | ジャンルミックス | ボーカル

黎明期 | ロック | ジャズ~フュージョン | アコースティック | シンフォニック | ラウンジ | シンセサイザー | ダンス&クラブ | ジャンルミックス | ボーカル

プログレ | テクノポップ | クラブ | ヒーリング~イージーリスニング | ポスト渋谷系 | ボーカル | その他

S2 非公認音源──同人アレンジ~アンダーグラウンド系サンプリング&リミックス

黎明期 | ヒップホップ | バトルブレイクス | ハウス・テクノ | UKガラージ以降 | カバー/アレンジ | ヴェイパーウエイヴ | 同人

[コラム] ゲーム音楽DJの起源 ―そしてゲーム音楽は死んだのか?― (DJフクタケ)
[コラム] 欧米ゲーム音楽と「音源エミュレータ」#1 (田中 “hally” 治久)

S3 音盤化されていないゲーム音楽──20世紀の埋もれた名曲たちを中心に

アーケード | 国産パソコン | ファミコン | セガマークIII | メガドライブ | PCエンジン | スーパーファミコン | ニンテンドー64 | プレイステーション | セガサターン | ドリームキャスト | ゲームボーイ | ゲームボーイアドバンス | ワンダースワン | 海外製パソコン(ZXスペクトラム) | 海外製パソコン(コモドール64) | 海外製パソコン(アミーガ) | 海外製パソコン(IBM PC互換機)

[コラム] 欧米ゲーム音楽と「音源エミュレータ」#2 (田中 “hally” 治久)


Rakuten ブックス
disk union
Honya Club





  ⇒ https://p-vine.jp/music/pcd-25309
  ⇒ https://p-vine.jp/music/pcd-27052

・田中 “hally” 治久(監修)『インディ・ゲーム名作選』も好評発売中!

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