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Home >  Reviews >  Album Reviews > Bob Dylan- Rough and Rowdy Ways

Bob Dylan


Bob Dylan

Rough and Rowdy Ways



マシュー・チョジック/浅倉卓弥・訳   Aug 28,2020 UP



by Matthew Chozick

For five minutes and thirty-one seconds, I once believed in God. Not just any deity, but the Judeo-Christian one, who, in Renaissance paintings, looks like Santa Claus on a cauliflower rice diet.
   Oddly, He came to me in a pop song ― I was eleven.
   Although I might’ve found the Almighty in the stereo of a junior high dance or speakered into a gas station bathroom, remarkably, He appeared to me in synagogue.
   At the time I was in a Sunday Hebrew school class for children.
   Every weekend we kids studied gloomy Torah stories, and sometimes a rabbi would lighten the mood with music from Jewish rockers.
   During a lull one Sunday, my rabbi inserted a cassette tape into a boombox, pressed play, and out came Bob Dylan’s “Mr. Tambourine Man.”
   It began with simple acoustic guitar chords: D to G to A to D.
   Then Dylan started to sing of forgotten ancient streets and of an empire that, in one night, crumbled to sand.
   The lyrics did something weird to my brain. The first verse conjured a psychedelic vision of desert civilizations that, from afar, looked like ant colonies. They rose and fell, in time-lapse, on a massive, geological scale.
   It was a little scary.
   But Dylan’s gentle voice relaxed me ― until it sent my imagination soaring, literally. The second and third verses of “Mr. Tambourine Man” included a journey towards the Sun on a “magic swirling ship.” The lyrics carried my mind’s eye up, out of the synagogue, through the sky, into space.
   I felt the presence of God.
   By its final chorus, “Mr. Tambourine Man” seemed no less a miracle than the Burning Bush or the parting of the Red Sea.
   And then my rabbi readied his finger above the boombox’s stop button, right before the track ended with a soft fadeout of the harmonica.

Now, in 2020, long after I left my ancestral religion behind, Dylan is still packing harmonica with miracles. One such miracle is that the singer-songwriter’s new record, Rough and Rowdy Ways, has given the seventy-nine-year-old his first chart-topping Billboard single ever. And extraordinarily, the hit is some seventeen minutes long.
   Released amid our COVID-19 pandemic, listeners have had an unprecedented amount of time at home to parse Dylan. Tellingly, in recent years Billboard hits had been shrinking in size. In 2019 they averaged about three minutes ― roughly 1/6 of Dylan’s 2020 opus.
   The new album’s gentle pacing feels soothing in our era of coronavirus anxieties. It relaxes like a cup of herbal tea.
   But the record’s sonic mildness belies provocative lyrics. There’s a penis joke, a conspiracy theory, plenty of death, and notable references to Indiana Jones, Anne Frank, Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx.
The vocals serve as the centerpiece of the album; lyrics hang like spotlit paintings in front of instrumental accompaniments.
   Dylan’s voice at seventy-nine cracks and wavers, which makes the record even more compelling in our age of autotune and pitch correction software.
   The singing sounds cool; Dylan’s gotten gravellier with age. He’s now more Tom Waits than Tom Waits.
   Some things haven’t changed; Dylan still wears his influences on his sleeve. His old muses are reflected and refracted on the new album ― familiar 1940s Woodie Guthrie stylings, Appalachian refrains, forays into the Great American Songbook, hints of Allen Lomax’s field recordings, symbolist poetry, rock n’ roll covers of his own folk music, journalistic storytelling, and oh so much more.
    Rough and Rowdy Ways works as a bold culmination of the near-octogenarian’s career. It warrants many relistens and it feels bottomless, expansive. It contains multitudes.
   Like Dylan has done time and time again, the new album elevates pop culture orders of magnitude. And if ― knock on wood ― this turns out to be Dylan’s final release, it would be a brilliant note to finish on. Yet I expect more pleasant surprises to come from Dylan. He is still as peerless in 2020 as he was in 1964.
   To be sure, it’s heartening to see such lyrical originality from a pop artist of Dylan’s age.
   For decades Dylan’s writerly lyrics have captivated me. Like my favorite novelists and filmmakers, Dylan has continually helped me notice things about the world that, in my own stupidity, I would have otherwise missed. So I’m very lucky that, at age eleven, I discovered Dylan in a synagogue boombox.
    And while it seems a little weird now, it makes sense that Dylan’s lyrics made me a believer ― if only for a few minutes. After all, good songs are how we communicate with the divine. Every major faith uses music, and singing has been central to spiritual practice throughout human history.
    In our secular era today, we’re still neurolinguistically wired to experience pop music as religious. We discuss albums as having “soul” and we refer to rock heroes, like Dylan, as “gods.”
    Even now part of me finds Dylan’s songwriting to be divine. His gravelly voice on the new record sounds as if it has all the answers to life’s questions.
