Home > Styles > Indie Pop
Album ReviewsMartha Skye Murphy - UmJul 03,24
Album ReviewsHelado Negro - PHASORFeb 20,24
Album Reviewsyeule - softscarsNov 20,23
Album ReviewsSpellling - Spellling & the Mystery SchoolSep 28,23
Album ReviewsLocate S,1 - Wicked JawSep 06,23
Album Reviews7038634357 - Neo SevenAug 28,23
Album ReviewsPantayo - Ang PagdaloyJul 18,23
Album Reviewsbar italia - Tracey DenimJun 21,23
Album ReviewsU.S. Girls - Bless This MessMar 17,23
Interviewsinterview with Young Fathers - 日本はもっとヤング・ファーザーズを聴くべき Jan 30,23
Album ReviewsBoys Age - Music For Micro FishingJan 30,23
Album ReviewsSaint Jude - SignalDec 23,22
Album ReviewsJohnnivan - Give In!Dec 07,22
Interviewsinterview with Ásgeir - 買い物はやめてたまには宇宙を見上げてみよう Nov 29,22
Album ReviewsAlvvays - Blue RevOct 07,22
Album ReviewsLianne Hall - Energy FlashbackAug 03,22
Interviewsinterview with Superorganism - 僕らが目指しているのはポップ・ミュージックを作るってことだけJul 15,22
Album ReviewsP.E. - The Leather LemonMay 24,22
ReadersCate Le Bon - PompeiiMay 19,22
Album ReviewsGhostly Kisses - Heaven, WaitMay 19,22
Reviews遊佐春菜 - Another Story Of Dystopia RomanceMay 18,22
Album ReviewsNilüfer Yanya - PAINLESSMar 25,22
Interviewsinterview with Fieh (Sofie Tollefsbøl) - 北欧インディ・ポップの新星Mar 04,22
Album ReviewsRostam - ChangephobiaJun 22,21
Album ReviewsLITTLE CREATURES - 30Mar 01,21
Interviewsinterview with Isayahh Wuddha - 僕が目指しているのはキング・オブ・ポップ Dec 11,20
Album ReviewsIsayahh Wuddha - urban brewAug 13,20
Album ReviewsVarious Artists - tiny pop - here’s that tiny daysJan 14,20
Interviewsinterview with (Sandy) Alex G - 塩と砂糖の誘惑Sep 13,19
Interviewsinterview with For Tracy Hyde - シティ・ポップ・リヴァイヴァルから「シティ」を奪還するSep 10,19
Album ReviewsFor Tracy Hyde - New Young CitySep 06,19
Interviewsinterview with South Penguin - サイケデリック新世代が追い求める「美しさ」とはAug 08,19
Album ReviewsHelado Negro - This Is How You SmileMay 13,19
Album ReviewsBlood Orange - Negro SwanDec 05,18
Album ReviewsMr Twin Sister - SaltDec 04,18
Interviewsinterview with Grimm Grimm - 朽ちた廃墟に恋をしてJun 29,18
Interviewsinterview with OLD DAYS TAILOR - 在りし日を紡ぎ仕立てる音と言葉Jun 27,18
Album ReviewsSuperorganism - SuperorganismMay 28,18
Album ReviewsSmerz - Have FunMay 21,18
Album ReviewsGwenno - Le KovMay 11,18
Album ReviewsSam O.B. - Positive NoiseSep 21,17
Album ReviewsLondon Grammar - Truth Is A Beautiful ThingJun 28,17
Interviewsinterview with Formation - 壁にパンチする代わりにJun 07,17
Album ReviewsBlood Orange - Freetown SoundAug 01,16
Interviewsinterview with The Temper Trap - スタジアムのロック兄ちゃんたち'16 Jun 08,16
Interviewsinterview with Frankie Cosmos - インディ・ポップって、どういう意味?May 20,16
Album ReviewsAnna Meredith - VarmintsMay 13,16
Album ReviewsFrankie Cosmos - New ThingApr 14,16
Interviewsinterview with Daughter - ピンクと紫とブルーの暗闇Jan 27,16
Album Reviewsダニエル・クオン - ノーツNov 30,15
Album ReviewsPetite Noir - La Vie Est Belle / Life Is BeautifulSep 24,15
Album ReviewsYoung Guv - Ripe 4 LuvApr 30,15
Album ReviewsThe Drums - EncyclopediaOct 10,14
Album ReviewsJu sei & Utah Kawasaki - ゆはゆたのゆMay 01,14
Album Reviewssei and music - せいみゅーJan 28,14
Album Reviews森は生きている - 森は生きているSep 11,13
Album ReviewsWashed Out - ParacosmAug 12,13
Album ReviewsSean Nicholas Savage - Other LifeJun 07,13
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